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Tentative Course List for 2024 - 2025 Spring Semester

ACCT613MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONUse of financial information for managerial decision making. That is, use of financial information for decision making, planning, directing, and controlling an organization's operations, and assessing its competitive position.
ARCH500MASTER THESIS ARCHITECTURESupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
ARCH501INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP - IPROF. DR. ÖZGÜR DİNÇYÜREKARCHITECTUREInterdisciplinary Workshop is a compulsory course offered to all
graduate students of Faculty of Architecture at an interdisciplinary level. Since architecture stands at the intersection point of different study areas, the interdisciplinary character of the professional studies have to be employed. Thus, the aim of this compulsory course is to guide the students to carry out certain researches around their different interest areas while the theme remaining constant within one semester.
ARCH505ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODSPROF. DR. RESMİYE ALPAR ATUNARCHITECTUREThis is an introductory course at the level of graduate studies,
for the purpose of developing an understanding of fundamentals of research & research process as well as ethics of research. It provides an introduction to methods of research for post graduate students in the Department of Architecture. The course is interactive and covers a range of knowledge and skills areas.
ARCH512SPATIAL EXPLORATIONSPROF. DR. RESMIYA ALPAR ATUNARCHITECTUREIn this course, theoretical and methodological approaches in understanding spaces ranging from a building, an urban neighborhood, up to the city scale will be presented. The course will be consisted of three successive parts. The first part, will introduce the theoretical background for the methodologies that will be presented during the second part of the course. The methodologies to be presented will include not only the techniques that are based on users' perceptions and behaviors, such as observations, questionnaires, visual recordings, cognitive mapping , but also the techniques that focuses on geometric and topologic properties of spaces such as space syntax methodology. On the last part of the course, students will have hands on experience on application of the methodologies introduced during the course in the selected cases from different scales of development. As a result of this course
students are expected to use these methodologies for their graduate research
ARCH517IMPACTS OF THE CULTURAL FACTORS ON TRADITIONAL HOUSESPROF. DR. HIFSIYE PULHANARCHITECTUREAs an exploration of cultural geography, this course shows how physical structures reflect a complex interaction between the physical environment and the evolving culture of social groups in many parts of the world. Broadly, course focuses on culture, as the system of rules and habits, reflection of ideals and creation of a lifestyle that is guiding behavior, roles, manners, and the built form as well. It dismantles culture and study components and their various interrelationships with the built forms from different parts of the world and their contemporary reflections/interpretations in architecture.
ARCH520PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY OF VERNACULAR ARCHITECTUREPROF. DR. ÖZGÜR DİNÇYÜREKARCHITECTUREVernacular architecture represents the bulk of the built environment. It has good reasons to be recalled as “the architecture of the people". Vernacular is the architecture of the common, ordinary people not upper class or avant-garde, and covers different scales such as particular geographical region, settlement, and built form itself with repeated patterns or ideal types with variations. The main aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the philosophical theories relevant to the vernacular and also to provide accumulative knowledge needed in the study of the vernacular architecture in general. On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their knowledge about the philosophy of the vernacular architecture and research techniques in the study of vernacular architecture
ARCH523THEORY OF ARCHITECTUREPROF. DR. KOKAN GRCHEVARCHITECTUREThis course is an introduction to the theory of architecture as a discipline and to its development over history, from the Ancient to the contemporary period. It presents the ideas, philosophies and processes that have been developed over the course of history to understand architecture and a procedure for generating it. It considers architectural writings, as well as the
relationship of these texts to cultural and intellectual history and to the production of architectural form.
ARCH524THEORICAL ASPECTS OF ARCHITECTURE-IIPROF. DR. KOKAN GRCHEVARCHITECTUREARCH524 is theoretical course aimed to explore and examine varieties of architectural theory aspects reflecting to different theoretical mainstreams in different cultures and periods. So, the course will examine examples of architecture theories and practices from a wide variety of times and places through the prism of creative thinking, by rethinking architecture, possibilities and opportunities of architectural theory application of different typologies. This course is following recent developments by emphasizing the important ongoing processes. Accordingly, the course explores topics such as creative research and thinking, architectural expression, aesthetics, power, Identity, poetics, and ethical dimension of architecture, debating between different standings and attitudes (corresponding with history and theories in architecture domain), that includes complex understanding of architecture aspects as open laboratory for theoretical improvement. To achieve the aim, course will help students to understand various aspects of architectural theories; Integration of built form with meaning and expression; How building affect and control human character and emotions; Application of theory in architectural designs; The importance of critical thinking in development of architecture etc.
ARCH534 THEORY OF TECTONICS ASST. PROF. DR. ÖZNEM ŞAHALİ KOVANCIARCHITECTUREThe aim of the course is to cover the theory of tectonics in architecture. The problem of technology will be described through evolution of the concepts of techne, science (episteme), technique and technology; Martin Heidegger's approach to problem of technology and science (concepts of framing and standing reserve) and other descriptions of instrumental approach to technology. The theories of tectonics will be covered through Alberti (linaments), Palladio (proportions), Karl Botticher (kernform, kunstform), Gottfried Semper (streotomics and tectonics), Eduard Sekler (atektonik), Kenneth Frampton (ontology of construction), Juhanni Pallasmaa (hapticity) and Gevork Hartoonian's (towards a secular tectonics) theories. Metaphysical meanings of tectonics will be studied through Martin Heidegger's and Gaston Bachelard's philosophies. This will be done with the help of Semper's drawing of the Carribean hut. These concepts will also be applied to the tectonics of contemporary architecture by starting with Carlo Scarpa, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn. The students will also be asked to choose a more recent example of architecture to discuss in the class.
ARCH546BUILDING AND HUMAN HEALTHPROF. DR. SADİYE MÜJDEM VURALARCHITECTUREThe aim of this course is to discuss the contemporary principles and approaches for the re-functioning of historic buildings and design of new annexes through various case studies and to improve the qualifications of the students for dealing similar architectural design problems.
ARCH558POLICIES OF URBANIZATION ASST. PROF. DR. PINAR ULUÇAYARCHITECTUREThe course explores the way in which economic, political and social forces work together to affect policy approaches in the different spatial settings of EU countries and how this is reflected on planning approaches.
ARCH566CREATIVITY IN CITIESASSOC. PROF. DR. MÜGE RIZAARCHITECTUREThis is a seminar course aims to introduce, through research and analysis, understanding creativity in relation to cities, the methods and strategies to achieve a creative city; problems of the contemporary city, including innovative cases from various cities in the world.
ARCH577SOLAR ARCHITECTUREASSOC. PROF. DR. HARUN SEVİNÇARCHITECTUREA Brief History from Passive Utilization to Smart Solar Architecture. Passive Use of Solar Energy. Location and Macroclimate. Indigenous Building Forms as Models. Bionics – Nature as a Model. Building Orientation and Insulation. Solar Technology. Solar Systems for Thermal Use. Photovoltaic. Cell Technology. Solar Concepts for Building and Daylighting Design Principles. Skylights. Light Shafts and Atria. Windows. Light-Directing, Glare- and Sun-protection Systems.
ARCH598SEMINARARCHITECTUREThis seminar series will examine the various stages in the preparation
of a dissertation and introduce the theoretical and practical approaches available.
ARCH600PH.D. THESIS ARCHITECTURESupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
ARCH698 SEMINAR ARCHITECTUREThis seminar series will examine the various stages in the preparation
of a dissertation and introduce the theoretical and practical approaches available.
BANK501ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENTBANKING AND FINANCEComplete overview of asset and liability management (ALM); fundamental principles and applications to financial risk management; gap management; duration gap management. It also concentrates on a solid, practical basis for currency and international funds risk, foreign exchange risk.
BANK598SEMINAR IN BANKING AND FINANCE PROF. DR. CAHİT ADAOĞLUBANKING AND FINANCEGuides students in their research and assist them in writing their thesis. During the course, participants will have the chance to examine authentic academic texts, and analyse such elements as structure, lexis, and style, especially in theses and dissertations to help them develop their academic writing skills. In addition, during the weekly seminars student will also present their research findings and discuss those with other students and professors who are specialized in issues related to banking and finance.
BANK612RISK MANAGEMENT IN BANKINGPROF. DR. METE FERİDUNBANKING AND FINANCEThe aim of this course is to help students gain an in-depth understanding of risk management processes within a bank and how they are regulated. It identifies the key banking risks and their relative importance, reviews the qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring and managing various risks in banks and sets out the related regulations aimed at controlling risk in banks.
BESD500NUTRITION AND DIETETICS THESISNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe course aims to enable students to gain advanced knowledge by doing scientific research in interested nutrition and dietetics topics.
BESD502ADVANCED NUTRITION-IASSOC. PROF. DR. CEREN GEZERNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe course provides advanced level information about the fuction of micro nutrients and water in the body. Metabolic disorders related to excess and deficienct intake of micro nutrients and water will be also defined.
BESD503ADVANCED NUTRITION-IIASSOC. PROF. DR. CEREN GEZERNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThis course is aimed at teaching chemical structures, sources, functions, deficiencies, toxicity, reference intake and interactions of micro nutrients as wells as nonnutrients.
BESD504NUTRITIONAL ANTHROPOMETRYPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse covers assesment of body fat, fat free mass tissue, heigh, weight, skinfold, nutritional status, biolectric impedans analyse and laboratuary sessions. Objective of the course is to teach students correct nutritional antropometic assessment and evaluation methods.
BESD505RESEARCH METHODS IN HEALTH SCIENCESASSOC. PROF. DR. SERAY KABARANNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThis course teaches students how to research, present, discuss and form an overall review
BESD506NUTRITION AND CORONARY HEART DISEASESPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSEthiology of heart diseases, clinical symptoms, risk factors, complications and diet treatments in cardiovascular diseases included in that course. Current dietary treaments methods in heart diseases will be dissused with new studies.
BESD507NUTRITION AND DIABETES MELLITUSPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSDefinition of diabetes, classification, diagnosis techniques, patogenesis, complications, treatment methods, insulin and oral diabetic treatments, importance of nutrition treatment in diabetes; carbohdytrate counting and diabetes nutrition education programs will be provided in that course. The aim of the course is to teach the principles of medical nutrition therapy in diabetes.
BESD508CLINICAL NUTRITON PROBLEMSPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe course involves studying the relationship between diseases and clinical nutrition problems.
BESD509WEIGHT CONTROL AND EATING DISORDER ASST. PROF. DR. SEMA ERGENUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe course covers current medical nutrition therapy approaches in obesity and eating disorders such as anoreksia and bulimia nervosa
BESD510NUTRITION AND CANCERASST. PROF. DR. SEMA ERGENUTRITION AND DIETETICSThis course will emphasise the improtance of nutritional therapy in cancer treatment .
BESD511NUTRITION AND HEALTH IN ELDERLYPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe objective of the course is to teach nutritional characteristics of elderly and to provide current knowledge about nutritional requirements and assesment of nutritional status of elderly
BESD512NUTRITION IN PREGNANCY AND LACTATIONASSOC. PROF. DR. SERAY KABARANNUTRITION AND DIETETICSPhysiological, metabolic and endocrine changes during preganancy and lactation periods will be taught. Nutritional and medical nutrition treatment conditions such as gestational diabetes, maternal PKU, noral tup defect etc. and medical nutrition treatment principles is aimed to acknowledge in that course.
BESD513ENTERAL AND PARENTERAL NUTRITIONASST. PROF. DR. SEMA ERGENUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe definition and types of malnutrition, the methods used in the evaluation of nutritional status, the principles of enteral and parenteral nutrition, the application in diseases, the changes in metabolism, the requirements of energy and nutrients, the products used in therapy, their composition and the dietitian's authority and responsibilities and practical applications. Enteral-Parenteral Nutrition Principles are aimed to teach new information about the products and nutritional status used.
BESD514EXERCISES AND NUTRITIONYRD. DOÇ. GÖZDE OKBURANNUTRITION AND DIETETICSExercise, nutrition and health interactions; energy, macro-micro nutrient requirement of athletes; before, during and after exercise nutritional needs topics will be included in the course. This course enables students to asses dietary habits and nutritional status of athletes.
BESD515MENU PLANNING AND CONTROLASST. PROF. DR. NEZİRE İNCENUTRITION AND DIETETICSbjective of the course is to teach menu planing strategies and processes for management of food service units
BESD598NUTRITION AND DIETETICS SEMINARNUTRITION AND DIETETICSCurrent scientific studies on nutrition and dietetics will be searched, reviewed, discussed and presented by students.
BESD600PH.D.THESISNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe course aims to enable students to gain advanced knowledge by doing scientific research in interested nutrition and dietetics topics. One of the main objectives of the course is to provide scientific information and to help develop assessment/evaluation methods in nutrition and dietetics, including in fields like macro-micro nutrients, food groups, nutrient interactions, disease relationships with macro-micro nutrients.
BESD601METABOLIC AND BIOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS IN NUTRITION RELATED DISEASESPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSMetabolic changes related to chronic diseases and efficiency of diet treatment will be discussed during the course
BESD602NUTRITION AND IMMUN SYSTEMPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe aim of the course is to investigate the relationship between nutrition and immune system. Effect of food related changes on immune system will be defined. In addition, it has been aimed to teach reasons and symptomps of food allergies and intolerances
BESD603NUTRITIONAL PRACTICES IN EXERCISE AND SPORTPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThis course is designed to give students an understanding of the fundamental interactions between exercise and nutrition. The importance of exercises and nutrition is teached by practices.
BESD604NUTRITION AND GENETICSASST. PROF. DR. SEMA ERGENUTRITION AND DIETETICSStudents will learn how nutrients affect gene expression, how nutrients and genes interact, and how nutrients affect the process of diseases through genetic mechanism.
BESD605GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES AND NUTRITION PROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe course covers etiological factors and medical nutrition treatment procedures of gastrointestianl diseases.
BESD606NUTRITION IN ADOLESCENCEASSOC. PROF. DR. SERAY KABARANNUTRITION AND DIETETICSGive information about nutritional habits and nutritional problems of adolescents, also give practical suggestions to solve these problems.
BESD607PRODUCT SELECTION AND MANAGEMENT IN FOOD SERVICE SYSTEMSASST. PROF. DR. NEZİRE İNCENUTRITION AND DIETETICSAim to teach storage, purchase and processing principles of food products that are presented by food and beverage service to consumers
BESD608ADVANCED NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRYASST. PROF. DR. MÜJGAN ÖZTÜRKNUTRITION AND DIETETICSAim to define biomolecules and their metabolic pathway in human metabolism. Also investigate the human metabolism in starvation, fasting, illness and defining the structures and functions of digestive and metabolic enzymes, vitamines and minerals
BESD609PHYTOCHEMICALS IN ADVANCED NUTRITION ASSOC. PROF. DR. CEREN GEZERNUTRITION AND DIETETICSAim to solve the nutritional problems by using advanced analysis and practical methods. Also investigate phytochemicals, their functions and their role in metabolism.
BESD611EATING BEHAVIOURS AND FOOD PREFERENESPROF. DR. EMİNE YILDIZNUTRITION AND DIETETICSAim to teach environmental and personal factors that affect food choices and nutrition habits throughout the lifetime.
BESD698SEMINARNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThis course covers literature review on nutriiton and dietetics, specifically nutrients, food groups and the relationsihp between these items. Also, relation between nutirents an diseases, anthropometic measurements.
BESD699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMNUTRITION AND DIETETICSThe aim of qulificaiton exam is to examine the students knowledge level on basic topics and phd study
BHRM599TERM PROJECTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA term project is a study that requires the students to demonstrate the ability in applying their knowledge and skills in finding unique, realistic, applicable and innovative solutions to problems in their professional fields.
BIOL501MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICSASST. PROF. DR. ADİL ŞEYTANOĞLUMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYBu ders detaylı olarak ökaryotik gen ifadesi ve düzenlenmesini, ayrıca ökaryotik hücresel süreçlerin incelenmesini içerir. Genom, transkriptom ve proteom düzeyindeki bilgiler ile epigenomik bilgiler tartışılır. Özellikle insan genomu detaylandırılır. Konuyla ilgili etik, yasal ve sosyal konulara değinilir.
BIOL502FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOTECHNOLOGYASST. PROF. DR. ILGIN ÇAĞNANMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYBu ders öğrenciyi biyoteknolojinin temel kavramlarıyla buluşturur. Biyoteknolojinin tarihi, gelişimi ve biyoteknolojik ürünlerin günümüzdeki kullanımları incelenmekle beraber seçmeli derslerin temelleri de oluşturulur
BIOL506MOLECULAR AND MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYPROF. DR. BAHAR TANERİMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYMedical applications of molecular cell biology and genetics are covered. Contemporary research findings are discussed through critical thinking and evaluation of scientific papers. Relevant ethical, legal and social issues are discussed.
BIOL507MEDICAL IN DIAGNOSTICS AND THERAPEUTICSPROF. DR. BAHAR TANERİMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYBu derste hastalık tanısı ve hastalık tedavisinde kullanılan biyoteknolojik araçların gelişimi ve ilerlemesi tartışılır. Protein bazlı ürünler, nükleik asit, hücre ve doku tabanlı biyolojik ürünler derste daha detaylı olarak incelenerek karşılaştırılır.
BIOL516MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGYDr. HAVVA ÇOBANOĞULLARIMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYIn this course, prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, viral genomes and gene products, genetic transfer mechanisms of microorganisms and their use in molecular and biotechnological processes; and microorganisms as tools and sources for biotechnology are covered.
BIOL517BIOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOPHAGESASST. PROF. DR. ILGIN ÇAĞNANMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYThe aim of this course is to give an information about bacteriophages, their classification and structural organization, phage infections and cycles, propagation and characterization of phages, bacteriophage therapy; and phages for biocontrol and phage probiotics.
BIOL581FINAL PROJECT IASST. PROF. DR. ILGIN ÇAĞNANMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYIn this course, students carry out an independent wet-lab project under the suprevision of a faculty member. Literature search and preliminary experimental work are completed within the duration of this course.
BIOL582FINAL PROJECT IIASST. PROF. DR. ILGIN ÇAĞNANMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYIn this course, students carry out an independent wet-lab project under the suprevision of a faculty member. They continue the wet-lab research project that they have initiated under the course BIOL581 Final Project – I. They finish this project and present it orally and submit it in writing.
BIOL599TERM PROJECTASST. PROF. DR. ILGIN ÇAĞNANMEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGYÖğrenci seçmiş olduğu bir konuda yarıyıl projesini hazırlayacaktır.
BNKA501ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENTBANKING AND FINANCEComplete overview of asset and liability management (ALM); fundamental principles and applications to financial risk management; gap management; duration gap management. It also concentrates on a solid, practical basis for currency and international funds risk, foreign exchange risk.
BNKA502FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTBANKING AND FINANCEThis course aims to provide knowledge about modern financial theories and applications. Primary goal of this course is to teach financial analysis of corporations and provide some ideas about maximizing shareholders' wealth.
BNKA503FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS BANKING AND FINANCEThis course provides information about financial institutions and the structure of financial markets, financial instruments and pricing of the financial instruments, sources and uses of funds in financial institutions, central banking and monetary policy instruments, banking system, financial intermediaries, international financial markets and systems.
CHEM507SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCHEMISTRYThermodynamics, Material Equilibrium, Phase equilbria, Solutions, Reaction kinetics and mechanisms, Theories of reaction rates, Transport properties.
CHEM508SPECIAL TOPICS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRYPROF. DR. HURİYE İCİLCHEMISTRYIUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, Stereochemistry and chirality, Nucleophilic substitution, Addition and elimination reactions,
CHEM511PRINCIPLES OF POLYMER SCIENCEPROF. DR. ELVAN YILMAZCHEMISTRY Radicalic reactions, Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Aminoacids and proteins.
CHEM516CHEMICAL KINETICSPROF. DR. MUSTAFA GAZİCHEMISTRYThis is a graduate course designed to provide the student with a deeper understanding of principles of
chemical kinetics. The course will focus on the chemical kinetics, rate theory, and rate phenomena in chemical reactions. The course will cover kinetics of chemical reactions including (elementary reactions, consecutive, parallel and reversible reactions, catalyzed reactions, chain reactions, polymerization reactions enzymatic reactions and adsorption phenomena).
CHEM521SYNTHESIS OF POLYMERPROF. DR. MUSTAFA GAZİCHEMISTRYIntroduction, Step polymerization, Radical chain polymerization, Ionic chain polymerization, Chain copolymerization, Ring opening polymerization, Stereoregular polymerization, Reaction of polymers.
CHEM533POLYMER GELSPROF. DR. MUSTAFA GAZİCHEMISTRYIntroduction, Basic concepts, Macromolecular thermodynamics, Conformations in solution, Elasticity, Diffusion, Osmotic pressure, Synthesis and characteristics of gels, neutral gels, Weakly ionized gels, Strongly ionized gels, Homogeneous gels, Thermodynamics, volume phase transition, Dynamics, Kinetics of swelling, Fundamental interactions for volume phase transition, Environment sensitive gels, Conformational transitions in polyelectrolyte gels, Swelling of a network in infinite solvent, Formation of ionic pairs, Swelling of the network in mixed solvents, Application areas of gels.
CHEM534NATURAL POLYMERSPROF. DR. ELVAN YILMAZCHEMISTRYThis is a graduate course which focuses on the origins, properties, and applications of natural polymers with special emphasis on polymers like cellulose, starch, chitin, chitosan, polylactides, and bacterial polyesters that have a widespread impact. The course aims at providing the student with essential background on the types, structures, reactions and applications of natural polymers to enable the student carry out further research in the area.
CHEM536COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN CHEMICAL RESEARCHASSOC. PROF. DR. AKEEM O. ALEDIPOCHEMISTRYBasic computer concepts: Internal organization of computers, Computer
components, Useful characteristics of computers. Computer aided report preparation: Scientific word processing, Graph preparation, Spread sheets.
Computer aided literature survey: On-line survey (via internet), off-line survey (Science Citation Index, chemical Abstracts, etc.). Laboratory automation by using computers: Computer controlled experiments, getting data from an instrument, Controlling an instrument, Data evaluation. Introduction to visual basic: Programming aspects both in numerical and graphical solution of problems. Numerical methods: Curve fitting, Numerical differentiation, Numerical solution of differential equations, Matrix methods and linear equations. Chemical project development by visual basic: Development of a project on the area of the interest of the student.
CHEM538BIOMEDICAL POLYMERSPROF. DR. ELVAN YILMAZCHEMISTRYThis course aims at furnishing the student with the fundamental background to understand the relationship between chemical and physical polymer structure and biomedical applications. The course focuses on the structure-property relationships, and on the physical requirements for specific applicationsin biomedical polymers. Special reference will be made to drug delivery, gene delivery, andtissue engineering systems. The course is suitable for students with a background of basics of polymer science.
CHEM541SPECIAL TOPICS IN ELECTROCHEMISTRYPROF. DR. HURİYE İCİLCHEMISTRYUnderstand electrochemical experiments, identify the cyclic and linear voltammetry techniques, understand step and pulse techniques, understand step and pulse techniques, understand solid-state electrochemistry, identify conductive polymers, explain photoelectrochemistry, explain bioelectrochemistry, understand electrochemistry in industry, analyze and critically evaluate the literature concerning photochemistry and present the conclusions in written and oral form.
CHEM545FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYCHEMISTRYFundamental theory and practice of classical and modern analytical
techniques in chemistry and the role of sampling, quality control/assurance, and chemometrics.
Approximation Methods/Perturbation-theories. Recent methodical developments
(e.g., Pseudo-Perturbative Shifted Large-ℓ expansion
methodical proposal, Point Canonical Transformation Approach, PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics/1D, etc).Scattering/Collision theory
CHEM556MICROBIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF CHEMICALSASSOC. PROF. DR. MÜMTAZ GÜRANCHEMISTRYTypes and classification of medically important microorganisms Prudent practices for Safe Microbiology Laboratory Experiments Antibiotics and Antimicrobial Compounds Chemical compounds such as: (synthetic and natural polymers, nanomaterials, Phenol and Phenol Derivatives, Alcohols, Halogens, Heavy Metal and their Compounds, Aldehydes, Gaseous Agents, Dyes, Detergents, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds) and their possible microbiological (and/or infection preventive) applications
Experimental Tests used in the evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity
Types of Water; Water Treatment; Water quality, Softening methods;
Desalination methods, Sewage treatment, chemistry of Water treatment.
CHES500MASTER THESIS CULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESSupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
CHES501UNDERSTANDING THE HERITAGE: SOURCES, METHODS & PRACTICECULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESThis course aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills related to value assessment of heritage buildings and sites. The methods and techniques of recording, information management, historic research and comparative study will be discussed.
CHES502WORKSHOP IN BUILDING CONSERVATIONCULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESThis workshop will get students to be involved with historical, physical, social, cultural, legal and economic aspects of building conservation. Awareness of the need of interdisciplinary teamwork and contribution of team members of different disciplinary background will be experienced through case studies and discussions.
CHES503PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY OF CONSERVATIONCULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESThe aim of the course is to help students to arrive at a clear understanding of the concepts and practices that define the field and to promote a strong expertise and perspective on it. Considering the complex understanding of Heritage issues, the course will explore the contemporary philosophy and theory of conservation as basis and framework of conservation, restoration and preservation theory and practice in the globalized world. The activities proposed within this course will include specified introduction to the scientific development in the area, examining selected examples and case studies both with the existing corpus of scientific studies and documents; identifying and developing ideas and visions; establishing an integrated theoretical basis for examining the growth of world heritage and its relationship to human rights and cultural rights and the ideas of cultural landscape and historic urban landscape.
CHES504LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS OF CONSERVATIONCULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESThe course aims to introduce legal and administrative aspects of historic site preservation emphasizing historic development of the concept and its importance in current planning processes. In this course students will become familiar with the basic concepts, elements and principals of site conservation and methodologies used to illustrate/understand such complex, multifaceted problems. Through the short review of international documents, students will gather knowledge on international concepts, norms, current problems and issues related with historic site conservation; administrative and legislative development and processes in some countries (i.e. UK, Italy, France) and existing tools to be used in conservation planning. By the presentation of different case studies, diverse approaches (integrated conservation, gentrification, urban infill, regeneration, renewal etc.) in site preservation will be discussed emphasizing current trends, pressures and threats on historic sites within the urban and/or rural areas. Thus, the students will comprehend concepts, issues and problems related with historic environments considering their diverse character and are expected to develop skills in solving them by the use/development of legislative processes and tools.
CHES598SEMINAR CULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESThe purpose of the graduate seminars is to provide graduate students with exposure to a variety of research projects and activities in order to enrich their academic experiences. The seminars by the students will also provide the department members with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with all graduate students within the department and learn about each student's research activities. Finally, the seminars will provide the students with an opportunity to develop skills in presentation and discussion of research topics in a public forum.
CIVL543FINITE ELEMENT METHODASSOC. PROF. DR. GİRAY ÖZAYCIVIL ENGINEERINGFundamental concepts, Principle of Minimum Potential Energy, Rayleigh-Ritz Method. Matrix algebra, Gaussian Elimination, Cholesky and symmetric banded matrices, Skyline solution. One dimensional problems: The steps include development of shape functions, derivation of element stiffness, formation of global stiffness, treatment of boundary conditions, solution of equations and stress calculations using potential energy formulation. Trusses, two dimensional problems using constant strain triangles, beams, frames and axisymmetric solids subjected to axisymmetric loading. Computer implementation.
CIVL555EXPANSIVE SOILSASSOC. PROF. DR. ERİŞ UYGARCIVIL ENGINEERINGIdentification of expansive soils. Laboratory and in situ testing techniques on expansive soils. Soil suction applications to expansive soils. Influence of climatic changes on expansive soils, cyclic swell shrink behavior. Shrinkage of expansive soils. Heave prediction methods.Treatment of expansive soils. Remedial methods. Design of foundations on expansive soils.
CIVL577SEISMIC PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF BUILDINGSPROF. DR. MAHMOOD HOSSEINICIVIL ENGINEERINGReview of seismic performance objectives and code design criteria. Linear and nonlinear procedures of analysis. Procedures for evaluating existing buildings. Factors affecting vulnerability of buildings. Vulnerability assessment techniques: seismic response vs. damageability. Loss estimation.
CIVL582CREEP AND SHRINKAGE OF CONCRETEPROF. DR. ÖZGÜR ERENCIVIL ENGINEERINGThe course concentrates on strain-time relationships of concrete as a composite material. Factors influencing creep and shrinkage are discussed in detail. Prediction of creep of concrete is also given with solved examples. Behavior of cracks in brittle solids and features of failure are other subjects to be discussed in detail.
CIVL593RISK MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTSASSOC. PROF. DR. İBRAHİM YİTMENCIVIL ENGINEERINGThis course aims to provide an overview of what is meant by risk and way in which it influences decisions made in the construction industry. It should provide graduate students with the necessary systems and techniques used in management of risk on construction projects as well as the whole construction industry. This course also covers the theoretical aspects of risks as well as the application of risk to real life projects.
CMPE536METAHEURISTICSASST. PROF. DR. AHMET ÜNVERENCOMPUTER ENGINEERINGHeuristics and meta-heuristics, neighborhood search, local and global optimization, simulated annealing, greedy randomized adaptive search, tabu search, evolutionary algorithms, ant-colony optimization, Lagrangean relaxation, hybrid methods, performance evaluation oh meta-heuristics.
CMPE574BIOMETRICSPROF. DR. ÖNSEN TOYGARCOMPUTER ENGINEERINGPerson recognition, modules of biometric systems, biometric functionalities: verification and identification
CMPE598SEMINARCOMPUTER ENGINEERINGThis course will be given as seminars by teaching staff covering their specialties or research interest.
CMPE698SEMINARCOMPUTER ENGINEERINGThis course includes seminars which will be given by teaching staff to PhD students covering the topics related to research methodologies, thesis writing, presentation, ethics, social responsibility, plagiarism, scientific paper writing and publishing.
CMSE512DATABASE AND FILE SECURITYPROF. DR. ALEXANDER CHEFRANOVSOFTWARE ENGINEEERINGSecurity requirements. Confidentiality, integrity, availability, assurance, authenticity, anonymity. Security threats and attacks on security, Protection, Intruders, Access control models. Discretionary and mandatory access control, Authorization. Multilevel security. Malicious software, Trojan horses. Password protection. Symmetric and public key encryption. DES. RSA. Digital signature. Key distribution and authentication. Secure Sockets Layer protocol. Passport: Single Sign-On. Electronic commerce. Secure Electronic Transaction protocol, Goods atomicity, Certified delivery and escrow. Electronic cash. Blind signature, Security in XML-based Web-services. Kerberos. X.509 authentication service. Authentication, procedures. One-time password. Hash functions. Statistical database security, Functional dependency attack on databases with multilevel security. Flow control, Covert channel, Auditing. Auditing process, Auditing classifications and types.
CMSE516SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RELIABILITY PROF. DR. H. IŞIK AYBAYSOFTWARE ENGINEEERINGConcepts, metrics, and models in software quality assurance. Components of software quality assurance systems at the beginning, during, and after the software development process. Software quality assurance within the stages of the software development process: planning, configuration management, reviews, testing, and maintenance. In these stages, metrics and models for software quality will be discussed. The course will include practical case studies. Students will develop an understanding of how software quality can be assured.
CMSE598SEMINARSOFTWARE ENGINEEERINGThis course will be given as seminars by teaching staff covering their specialties or research interest.
COMM500MASTER THESISCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESConsistent with the Regulations of the Institute for Graduate Education and Research, students will register to this course until completing their theses.
COMM501MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETYCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course provdes students w'th useful analytical tools for conceptualizing the broad contexts within which the mass media are situated. In this course we will explore these questions. What does the media do? Repeat the truth? Make up the truth? Entertain in order to be more profitable? What are the unseen forces that determine what we view and read? How does media content affect the nature of society? Some selected topics are role of the audience, effects controversy, ratings , visual images which dominate our society, news, public opinion.
COMM502SELECTED READINGS IN MASS COMMUNICATION STUDIESCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESA graduate level introduction to communication and media studies through a review of major historical and contemporary trends in communication research and literature. The course begins with an overview of the early work produced by North American and European scholars and social theorists around communication and culture, proceeds through the historical debates of the 1970s around the possibility of a “field" of communication and considers the more contemporary and still emerging approaches to understanding communication as a social practice while providing the theoretical background and analytic skills needed to navigate the tensions among these varying approaches. We will consider questions concerning the multiple ways in which communication issues can be addressed from different points of view, and explores how these different points of view support different knowledge claims.
COMM504COMMUNICATION STUDIES RESEARCH METHODSCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course aims to introduce the students to the epistemology, ontology and methodology of standard and alternative research in communication studies. It provides not only the theoretical background but also practical skills of carrying out research in communication. The students taking this course are expected to contrast research with reasoned inquiry and common sense; to identify problems which will justify communication research; to formulate researchable research techniques; to select appropriate research techniques; to write a succinct, detailed and persuasive research proposal, to present it orally and defend it against criticism; to explore quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and produce research reports in both of them.
COMM536 THEORIES OF THE MOVING IMAGECOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESDuring the course of the semester students will observe, through a combination of lectures, readings and practical application, equate themselves with the major theoretical approaches used in the study of film as an academic discipline within the field of communication studies. A solid grounding in the theoretical approaches taken in the study of film is essential before going on to more advanced and specialist courses. Students will become acquainted with historical criticism, genre criticism, feminist criticism, structuralist semiotics, psychoanalytic semiotics and narratology.
COMM553GENDER AND THE MEDIACOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course will examine how definitions of gender and sexuality are reproduced, negotiated and deployed in a media context. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the ways in which a variety of media represent gender. The course examines the theoretical approaches that are central to the study of media, culture and gender. This course highlights the key features of many of the current theories and approaches in media analysis, it also focuses on the ways that media can shape public discourse about gender and sexism. This course surveys methods of analysis such as semiotics, socio-historical analysis, ideological analysis, discourse analysis, feminist method, and ethnography as tools through which to understanding gender in media. Reading material will include works by Margaret Gallager, Liesbet van Zoonen, Tania Modleski, David Morley, David Connell, and Rosalind Gill among many others.
COMM555PEACE JOURNALISM AND MEDIA MONITORINGPROF. DR. METİN ERSOY COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course is a practical application of peace journalism (PJ) criteria. Participants engage the theoretical framework of the PJ model while evaluating daily news stories. Participants select relevant media, monitor them across the semester and evaluate selected examples using the PJ criteria. Participants in the course will discuss, debate, weigh, and evaluate, the news stories, commentaries, reports, documentaries, archives, and other content of the selected news media together.
COMM578APPLIED DRAMA AS RESEARCH METHODOLOGYCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThe aim of this course is to develop critical analytical skills and the capacity to evaluate mediated information. Participants will be able to assess the orientation and framing of a media message and evaluate its capacity to encourage a resolution to a conflict situation. They will also have grasped the basic arguments originating in theories of peace journalism and conflict resolution and the media.
COMM598SEMINARCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESMany graduate students under-perform in their course work, exams, and eventually their theses due to poorly developed basic study skills. Taking essay writing as its basic activity, this course demonstrates how the integration of study, planning, time Management, rhetorical and language skills is an essential prerequisite of good results. The course will be run on a “workshop" basis – much of the actual exercises we will be doing will occur during class time. Come expecting to participate in discussions and practical work. There will also be occasional homework assignments. All of this work is important as it will form the basis of students' coursework Mark. In the final essay students will be expected to demonstrate all the skills they have acquired during the course – preparing outlines, drafts, coherent argument, etc.
COMM600PH.D. THESISCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESConsistent with the Regulations of the Institute for Graduate Education and Research, students will register to this course until completing their dissertations. However, they will not be allowed to register to thesis before passing the Comprehensive Exam.
COMM601THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR COMMUNICATION PARADIGMS COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESIn this course, we will discuss behavioral (mainstream) and critical approaches to communication theory. The major aim of the course is to familiarize students with alternative theoretical approaches to understand communication. Each week, a different communication theory will be introduced.
COMM602CURRENT ISSUES IN COMMUNICATION STUDIESCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course introduces major and emerging approaches to understanding communication as both an academic discipline and a social practice while providing the theoretical background and analytic skills needed to navigate the tensions among these varying approaches. The course reviews the intellectual history of communication studies, engages traditional and contemporary questions about human communication, raises questions concerning the multiple ways in which communication issues can be addressed from different points of view, and explores how these different points of view support the legitimation of different knowledge claims.
COMM603ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR COMMUNICATION RESEARCH COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis class will focus on alternative research methods and the methodological reasons that lead us to consider them as alternatives to the mainstream tradition. We will look at the distinction made between the “sciences" and the “humanities as well as the remapping of that distinction within the sciences in terms of the natural or physical sciences versus the social sciences differentiation. It is this notion of a difference-in-kind that also underlies the disparity and incommensurability of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The ontological underpinnings of these distinctions will force us to reconsider, for example, the conventional understandings of, and the requirement for, an “objective" knowledge. Informed by a positivist or empiricist methodology, PhD students are sometimes asked to write their dissertation in the passive voice in order to create and maintain this impression of objectivity. It is their style of writing that enables this impression of objectivity, otherwise the claim to objectivity is endangered. Noting this opens up another line of research for us; that of the literary style and the rhetoric involved in the representations of truth and reality in scientific research, and scientific discourse in general. This, in turn, points to a, perhaps, surprising but nonetheless necessary relationship between fact and fiction. Etymology shows that relation in the words themselves, for fact is the past participle of fiction (see Gayatri Spivak).
To get a better understanding of the difference-within scientific research, we will study the methodological underpinnings of the alternative methods. To put it differently we will study the logos. We will see that different methods often rest on incompatible epistemological or ontological assumptions.
At the same time, we will not limit our understanding of “alternative" to “qualitative" method as the binary opposite of quantitative method. Instead, we will deconstruct and displace the binary opposition “quantitative versus qualitative." We will note how they depend on and reference each other. We will also note how they both depend on what I have called empiricism in more general terms, and what Jacques Derrida has called a metaphysics of presence.
COMM611ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH METHODSPROF. DR. BAHİRE EFE ÖZADCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course will discuss the theoretical and practical approaches to ethnographic research methodology. The course will exam and discuss such ethnographic research methods as: participant observation; ethnographic interviewing; projective interviewing; writing an ethnographic description; the interpretation and analysis of ethnographic research data; and the principles of qualitative research.
COMM612ADVANCED SEMINAR IN SEMIOTICSASSOC. PROF. DR. AYSU ARSOYCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESFocusing on in depth analysis of major foundational texts and current challenges, the course scrutinizes theoretical paradigms in the field of semiotics as well as questioning the analytical tools developed in the first century of semiotic research. The tasks also include a genealogical discussion of the rise of semiotics as an independent “science" and prospects for the future of this trend vis-à-vis the postmodern situation.
COMM623COMMUNITY AND COMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThe common root of community and communication, communication as participation in collective life and as performing service for a common purpose, communication as miscommunication, pre-sent nature of the present, the presupposition of communication before act of communication itself, modern life characterized by a 'loss of community', and subsequent searches for community, 'the community without unity', the 'operative community, 'community at loose ends', relationship to the other that prevents unity from closing upon itself, computer mediated communication and community, virtual community.
COMM698SEMINARASSOC. PROF. DR. NİLÜFER TÜRKSOYCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThe aim of COMM698 seminar course in the PhD program is to inform PhD candidates on research and scientific publication ethics, literature review and having publication.
COMP500MASTER THESISMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCESupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
COMP552GRAPH THEORYPROF. DR. BENEDEK NAGYMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEGraphs, trees. Bipartite graphs. 0-1 matrices. Coloring. Algebraic methods of graph theory. Planarity, duality, embeddings. Hypergraphs. Graph algorithms: minimum spanning trees, graph-search algorithms: backtracking, breadth-first, depth-first search. Dijkstra algorithm.
COMP585DECISION MAKINGPROF. DR. RASHAD ALİYEVMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEDecision trees. Decision making under uncertainty. Utility theory. Decision making under conflict. Risk theory. Decision making under risk. Group decision making. Paired comparison analysis in decision making. Queuing theory. Forecasting for decision making. Neural network based decision making. Markov model in decision making process. Monte Carlo analysis in decision making.
COMP600PH.D. THESISMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCESupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
COMP698SEMINARMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEGuides students in their research and assist them in writing their thesis. During the course, participants will have the chance to examine authentic academic texts, and analyse such elements as structure and style, especially in theses and dissertations to help them develop their academic writing skills. In addition, during the seminar presentations, student will also present their research findings and discuss those with other students and professors who are specialized in issues related to Mathematics.
COMP699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEThe PhD qulifying exam aims to examine the students knowledge level on basic subjects and his/her research field.
CRHM601EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES İN SURGICAL NURSINGPROF. DR. SEVİNÇ TAŞTAN, ASSOC. PROF. DR. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞNURSINGIn this course, the student explains what evidence-based nursing practices mean, evidence-based practices in pre-operative, intraoperative and postoperative patient care, evidence-based guidelines, evidence-based care models, transfer of evidence in practice settings, barriers related to evidence-based nursing practices.
ECON503ECONOMETRICSPROF. DR. MUSTAFA İSMİHANECONOMICSEssentials of mathematical statistics; a survey of important functional forms used in the mathematical formulation of economic theory; classical linear regression model (one explanatory variable case): assumptions, estimation, testing, and prediction; classical linear regression model (two or more explanatory variables case): assumptions, estimation, testing, and prediction; departures from classical linear regression model: multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, and specification errors.
ECON541ENERGY ECONOMICSPROF. DR. VEDAT YORUCUENERGY ECONOMICS AND FINANCEThe course deals with the application of economic theory and policy issues of energy economics.Topics include Europe and Modern Energy Security, Southern Energy Corridor, Diversifying European Energy, Challenges and Securing Supply, Energy Hubs, Turkish Energy Market, Energy transformation, privatization and diversification, LNG Market, Pricing Model of Gas Demand, Gas Deliveries in the Pipeline, Alternative Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy,Biofuels Energy, Nuclear Energy, Hydrocarbon Exploration Discoveries in Eastern Mediterranean and other regions, Energy Actors and Regional Energy Model.
ECON545/645INTERNATIONAL FINANCEPROF. DR. SERHAN ÇİFTÇİOĞLUECONOMICSIn this course, you will learn how to “do" economics. While your coursework up to this point has given you a strong foundation in economic theory, this course teaches you how to apply theory to meaningful economic research. The course will be roughly divided into four sections: reading, researching, writing, and presenting. The course takes students through the process of economic inquiry, from identifying a research topic, reviewing the relevant literature, formulating hypotheses as well as finding and evaluating appropriate data.
ECON598SEMINARPROF. DR. CEM PAYASLIOĞLUECONOMICSThis course is designed to help students developing the academic research and writing skills they will need to complete the thesis and other requirements for the MA degree. The course focuses on technical writing skills including organization of arguments, critical reading, quoting sources and avoiding plagiarism.
ECON601ADVANCED MICROECONOMIC THEORYPROF. DR. GÜLCAY TUNA PAYASLIOĞLUECONOMICSThis course is designed to help you develop an understanding of several major topics in microeconomics and a working knowledge of a number of advanced topics. Emphasis in this course is placed on the determination of market equilibrium for goods and factors in perfectly competitive and imperfect markets, applied welfare economics and decision making with uncertainty.
ECON602ADVANCED MACROECONOMIC THEORYPROF. DR.MUSTAFA İSMİHANECONOMICSEconomic dynamics, economic growth and business cycles. The open macroeconomic economy. Macro econometric models. Comparative macroeconomic policies.
ECON604TIME SERIES ECONOMETRICSPROF. DR. CEM PAYASLIOĞLUECONOMICSEconomic dynamics, economic growth and business cycles. The open macroeconomic economy. Macro econometric models. Comparative macroeconomic policies.
ECON698SEMINARPROF. DR. CEM PAYASLIOĞLUECONOMICSThis course is designed to help students developing the academic research and writing skills they will need to complete the thesis and other requirements for the MA degree. The course focuses on technical writing skills including organization of arguments, critical reading, quoting sources and avoiding plagiarism.
EDUS500MASTER THESISEDUCATIONAL SCIENCESMasters thesis includes a student's independent study to be conducted individually under the supervision of a faculty member after completion of theoretical and practical courses.
EDUS600PH.D. THESISEDUCATIONAL SCIENCESDoctoral thesis includes a student's independent study to be conducted individually under the supervision of a faculty member after completion of theoretical and practical courses.
EE 567ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSINGPROF.DR. HÜSEYİN ÖZKARAMANLIELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGReview of fundamentals: z-transforms, convolution, DFT and FFT. IIR and FIR filters. Parametric signal processing, deterministic and stochastic techniques; AR, MA, ARMA, ARMAX models. Spectrum estimation techniques, parametric and non-parametric methods. Adaptive IIR, FIR and lattice filters. Fast algorithms for DSP. Applications to image and signal processing.
EENG598SEMINARELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGSeminar course is designed such that each MS student prepares a report including literature review in the field of the thesis proposal by applying scientific research techniques and ethical principles. In addition of the written report, the student is required to make an oral presentation to the other postgraduate students taking the course.
EENG698SEMINARELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGSeminar course is designed such that each PhD student prepares a report including literature review in the field of the thesis proposal by applying scientific research techniques and ethical principles. In addition of the written report, the student is required to make an oral presentation to the other postgraduate students taking the course.
EGIT510RESEARCH METHODSASSOC. PROF. DR. HAMİT CANEREDUCATIONAL SCIENCESIn this course, the basic concepts and skills required to conduct empirical studies are presented.
EGIT515QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS IN EDUCATIONPROF. DR. ŞEFİKA MERTKANEDUCATIONAL SCIENCESIn this course, the nature of qualitative research, a comparison of qualitative and quantitative research, qualitative data collection methods (observation, interview, case study, and document analysis), analysis, interpretation and documentation of qualitative methods will be covered. Moreover, ethnographic and historical research methods will also be discussed.
EGIT517QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS IN EDUCATIONASSOC. PROF. DR. ALİ SIDKI AĞAZADEEDUCATIONAL SCIENCESThis course has been designed for students who decide to employ the quantitative approach at the thesis stage. It focuses on entering data, preparing it for statistical analysis, carrying out statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, correlation, regression, reliability, and non-parametric analysis, and interpreting results.
EKON502MACROECONOMICSPROF. DR. HASAN GÜNGÖR ECONOMICSThis course teaches fundamental theories of contemporary macroeconomics and how to apply them to real world economic policy. It focuses on understanding and evaluation of macroeconomic conditions such as unemployment, inflation and balance of payments deficits, and how fiscal and monetary policies can be used to influence the macroeconomic performance and long-term growth. The course will utilize both analytical and mathematical approaches to elucidate current issues in macroeconomic policy.
ELTE502SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITIONPROF. DR. NACİYE KUNTENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis course aims at surveying some basic issues in second language acquisition (SLA) in both formal and informal settings. Topics include comparisons and contrasts between first and second, child and adult language acquisition, factors affecting second language acquisition such as age, cognitive development, personality traits, socio-affective variables, the qualitative and quantitative aspects of research in second language acquisition.
ELTE504GENERAL LINGUISTICSPROF. DR. NECDET OSAMENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis coure provides a solid foundation in linguistics through a comprehensive survey of the basic issues involved in the study of language. Core topics range over the scope of general linguistics as a science, theoretical and methodological considerations used in the description and analysis of languages, different schools, branches and orientations in modern linguistics.
ELTE510MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT FOR ELTASST. PROF. DR. FATOŞ EROZANENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis course aims to review major issues and criteria in evaluating and selecting ELT materials and deal with theoretical and practical aspects of materials development and adaptation of ELT materials in use.
ELTE513PRAGMATICS AND DISCOURSEASST. PROF. DR. İLKAY GİLANLIOĞLUENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGIn addition to the topics directly related to the basic discourse and performance of the communicative feature of language, the role of the regular and functional context, literature, intellectual framework, discourse and communicative formations are examined. Discussions on the use of the analysis of real language use, both verbal and written, especially in teaching English are also discussed in the course.
ELTE598SEMINAR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis is a non-credit course compulsory for all full time starting from the second semester and for the part - time students from the third semester.
ELTE600PH.D. THESISENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis is a non-credit course compulsory for all full-time students starting from the second semester and for part-time students from the third semester. Candidates will complete a thesis under the supervision of a qualified member of the ELT staff or an approved external advisor.
ELTE602CURRENT RESEARCH TOPICS IN ELTASST. PROF. DR. İLKAY GİLANLIOĞLUENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis course aims to equip graduate students with research skills and a thorough understanding of research design so that they can confidently undertake their own research. A study of the nature of scientific inquiry will be the main focus in the course which will cover topics such as planning a research, using library and audio and video recording and statistical packages as research tools.
ELTE604APPROACHES TO TEACHER EDUCATIONPROF. DR. ÜLKER VANCI OSAMENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis course aims at studying the issues involved in current teacher education research and development in ELT at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Topics such as the discussion of approaches to current teacher education programs, training the prospective teachers and teacher-trainers in various aspects of EFL will receive special emphasis.
ELTE606CURRENT TOPICS IN ELTPROF. DR. NACİYE KUNTENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis course is designed to analyze the issues that have been on the agenda of ELT during the last decade in order to evaluate the present occurrences in terms of the recent and distant past and to sensitize candidates to the relationship of fashion and tradition in ELT. The course also aims at assisting candidates in their study and evaluation of current developments in ELT and thus familiarizing them with recent research designs and orientations.
ELTE617PRAGMATICS AND ELTPROF. DR. NECDET OSAMENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGIn pragmatics, different evaluations related to meaning are compared with the basic approaches; topics such as deixis, implicature, indicator, inference, presupposition, utterance, subtlety are discussed in the context of language teaching.
ELTE698SEMINAR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGThis is a non-credit one-semester course compulsory for all students starting from the second semester. It aims to make students aware of research ethics and provide them with knowledge of research principles and procedures to prepare them for proceeding with their PhD dissertation.
EPOG500MASTER THESISCURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Master's thesis includes a student's independent study to be conducted individually under the supervision of a faculty member after completion of theoretical and practical courses. Therefore, during thesis writing, the student conducts literature review, data collection and analysis, evaluation of the results and presents the written document of these under the supervision of a faculty member.
EPOG503CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATIONPROF. DR. CANAN ZEKİCURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Basic concepts of programme development, the need for programme development, theoretical principles in programme development, and programme development processes.
EPOG507EFFECTIVE LEARNING TECHNIQUESASST. PROF. DR. BENGİ SONYELCURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION In this course, theoretical basis for effective learning and its components, strategies that can be utilized in learning and approaches and methods that can be utilized in teaching these strategies will be dealt with.
EPOG598CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION SEMINARCURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Evaluation of studies conducted and likely to be conducted in the field of curriculum development.
EYDE500MASTER THESISEDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISIONStudents proceeding to the thesis stage carry out research in Educational Management and Supervision under the guidance of a supervisor. One the thesis has been prepared, a student defends it in front of jury. Master of Education degree is awarded upon the recommendation of the jury. Thesis needs to be successfuly prepared and defended for the completion of the program.
EYDE512EDUCATION POLICIES AND SCHOOL MANAGEMENTASST. PROF. DR. MİNE SANCAREDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISIONThis is a companion course to Comparative Education and Educational Management designed to support students develop an understanding of the complex policy-making process, the role multiple stakeholders play, and the interplay between educational management and education policy. Students identify contemporary education policies in their own countries, compare these with education policies that have global reach, and write a project on how national education policies could be improved.
EYDE598SEMINAREDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISIONBu derste öğrenciler Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi alanında yapılan araştırmalara ulaşır, araştırma sonuçlarını karşılaştırır ve seçmiş olduğu araştırmalar hakkında sunum yapar.
FINA503INVESTMENTSPROF. DR. CAHİT ADAOĞLUBANKING AND FINANCEThe last decade has been one of rapid, profound, and ongoing change in the investment industry. The amin objective of the course is to give students and intermediate understanding of capital markets and financial instruments. We will focus on three modules which are equity markets, fixed income markets, and derivative markets (options and futures). The course is designed in line with the subject topics covered in the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) Exam (Level I) (see
FINA514QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN FINANCEASST. PROF. DR. NİGAR TAŞPINARBANKING AND FINANCEThe course concentrates basically on the analytical methods, techniques and applications those employed to conduct and critique empirical studies in finance and related fields. The course shows detection of problems and their solutions in regression models. A variety of topics are covered including basic time series analysis (Stationarity, Spurious Regression, Cointegration, Error Correction Models Johansen Cointegration Analysis, Granger-Causality) within this course and will make extensive use of econometric software packages.
FINA517CORPORATE FINANCEPROF. DR. CAHİT ADAOĞLUBANKING AND FINANCEThe aim of the course is to analyze the primary issues in modern corporate financial theory and practice. The focus is on the corporate practice (corporate financial policies) that creates value and maximizes the wealth of shareholders. The course deals with what financial managers do and why, and how the theory of finance explains. On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed knowledge and understanding of: Corporate form of organization; corporate governance; capital budgeting; capital markets and capital structure; debt policy and payout policy
FINA601ADVANCED INVESTMENTS AND THEORYPROF. DR. CAHİT ADAOĞLUBANKING AND FINANCEThis course focuses on investment analysis, including the theory and implementation of portfolio theory; empirical evidence on the performance of financial assets; evaluation of portfolio investment strategies; and the extension of diversification to international markets.
FINA603MICRO FOUNDATIONS OF FINANCEASSOC. PROF. DR. HASAN ULAŞ ALTIOKBANKING AND FINANCEThis course will cover applications of micro economics to financial and capital budgeting decision making. The course will begin with theory of choice. Emphasis will be given to consumer decision making decision under uncertainty and its applications to market behavior. The micro foundation of capital asset pricing model will be studied. The theory of firm's decision making in determining the profit maximizing levels of inputs and outputs will be covered for competitive markets with the objective of defining and applying the three basic postulates of applied welfare economics for capital budgeting decision making.
FINA611EXCHANGE RATE ECONOMICS PROF. DR. SALİH KATIRCIOĞLUBANKING AND FINANCEThe course, at graduate level, mainly aims to examine the exchange rate policies and exchange rate determination under different regimes, namely, fixed, flexible and sticky prices with a theoretical consideration of macroeconomic models. Furthermore, international monetary system, previous and contemporary exchange rate regimes will be also studied during the semester.
FINA614QUANTITAVE METHODS IN FINANCE ASST. PROF. DR. NİGAR TAŞPINARBANKING AND FINANCEThis course aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic understanding of financial econometrics models and essential tools for their applications by employing financial data.
FINA621INVESTMENT APPRAISALASSOC. PROF. DR. HASAN ULAŞ ALTIOKBANKING AND FINANCEThis course aims to introduce the main theoretical and practical issues involved in the appraisal and assessment of investment projects. It covers the evaluation of private and public sector investments. A key objective of the course is to give the students both the knowledge and the practice of applications to be able to work as a professional in this field. This course is devoted to the techniques of cost-benefit analysis of investment projects. The course covers both the analytical techniques and as well as their practical applications in decision making. The course topics will cover financial modeling, alternative investment criteria, and maintaining consistency between real and nominal prices, inflation rates, exchange rates and interest rates. It will also cover how to determine the optimal scale and timing of investments and how to construct income statements and balance sheets from cash flow projections.
FINA622PROJECT FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENTASSOC. PROF. DR. HASAN ULAŞ ALTIOKBANKING AND FINANCEThe objective of this course is to provide graduate students with state-of-the-art professional skills in the field of project finance, and in the analysis and management of risks associated with investment projects. This course will teach students how to analyze and manage the risks of major investment projects through project financing techniques. The risk management techniques will include the study of modern international project financing and security arrangements. The design and application of real options will be applied in the evaluation of investment projects. The course will also cover both the theory as well as applications of the theories to various projects. The students will be required to complete a number of computer based assignments.
FINA623ADVANCED CAPITAL BUDGETINGASSOC. PROF. DR. HASAN ULAŞ ALTIOKBANKING AND FINANCEThis course covers the components of an integrated investment appraisal analysis. It initially introduces basic economics aspects that are used in capital budgeting for a comprehensive analysis. The course also examines how the economic analysis fits into the financial, stakeholder and risk components that are part of an integrated investment appraisal analysis. Applications to number of infrastructure projects such as road, electricity and water will also be studied as well as education. This course covers both theoretical as well as applied aspects of advanced capital budgeting.
FINA663VOLATILITY IN FINANCEASST. PROF. DR. NİGAR TAŞPINARBANKING AND FINANCEThis course aims to introduce the recent econometric techniques in measuring and forecasting financial volatility at the graduate level. The students will gain an understanding of characteristics of financial data and the skills required for volatility modeling using ARCH models and some of its extensions including multivariate GARCH models. The students will also learn how to forecast volatility in the presence of jumps. The course not only aims to provide students the technical background, but also emphasizes empirical implementations to fill the gap between theory and practice.
FINA698RESEARCH SEMINAR IN FINANCE AND BANKINGBANKING AND FINANCEThis course guides students in their research and assists them in writing their thesis and research papers. Students will have the chance to examine the academic publications, and analyze elements such as structure, style, literature review and method. Students will be exposed to scientific research and publication ethics, and will have the chance to use the plagiarism detection software. In addition, students will write a research topic report which will be presented to and discussed with seminar students.
FINA699PH.D. QUALIFICATION EXAMBANKING AND FINANCEIt is a comprehensive examination taken after the successful completion of coursework. Doctoral students have to pass this examination before proceeding to the dissertation stage.
FZTR500PHYSIOTHERAPY THESIS STUDYPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONThesis and semester project of the students in master program is conducted with academic advisor through investigation of research results, discussion and reporting the thesis study in compliance with the recent scientific developments.
FZTR503CLINICAL PRACTICE IN PHYSIOTHERAPY - IIASST. PROF. DR. SEVİM ÖKSÜZ, ASST. PROF. DR. ÖZDE DEPRELİPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONPhysical Therapy and Rehabilitation, pediatrics, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, sports injuries etc. practical training will be carried out in their units.
FZTR505ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS IN PHYSIOTHERAPYASSOC. PROF. DR. ENDER ANGINPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONThe aim of this course is to evaluate the physiotherapy-related evaluation and new physiotherapy approaches of the graduate student. , Percussion, Auscultation, Neurological Evaluation (Muscle testing, Pain, Sensory and reflex evaluation), Joint motion and anthropometric evaluation, Evaluation of posture and muscle shortness, Evaluation of walking and balance, Evaluation of GYA and functional level, and evaluation of the evaluation.
FZTR511PHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATION IN PUBLIC HEALTHPROF. DR. MEHTAP MALKOÇPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONIt is aimed to examine the basic concepts and approaches of public health, the concept of health, ICF classification, the role of the physiotherapist in primary health care, preventive physiotherapy approaches, the place of preventive physiotherapy practices in health promotion, the role of physiotherapists in health policies
FZTR513PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICSASSOC. PROF. DR. YASİN YURT, ASSOC. PROF. DR. ZEHRA GÜÇHAN TOPÇUPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONWithin the content of this course, orthoses used in different diseases, prosthetic applications for different levels of amputations, and current approaches in rehabilitation will be discussed.
FZTR518ADVANCED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGYPROF. DR. MİTAT KOZPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONIn this course, due to the health-protecting and improving aspect of exercise, the effective cellular mechanisms in acute and chronic exercise and the changes in physiological systems are examined in depth in the light of current literature, and thus, it is aimed to understand the basic mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of exercise.
FZTR598SEMINAR IN PHYSIOTHERAPYPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONIn addition to the objectives of master's education, it aims to develop new methods for solving complex problems in special subjects in physiotherapy, to develop education and research skills, and to increase presentation skills.
FZTR600PH.D. THESISPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONIt is aimed to complete the thesis study by evaluating, discussing and concluding the results of the research and examination in the light of the latest developments under the supervision of the advisor for the students who have started the thesis and term project of the student applying to the doctoral program.
FZTR602CLINICAL PRACTICE IN PHYSIOTHERAPY IIPROF. DR. İNCİ YÜKSELPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONPassing along the new developments about special methods which are utilized in orthopedy, pediatrics, geriatrics and neurology and gaining the practice abilities are the aims of this course.This contains clinical studies and field studies.
FZTR607RESEARCH IN PEDIATRIC PHYSIOTHERAPYPROF. DR. EMİNE HANDAN TÜZÜNPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONThe purpose of this course is to follow the developments about the scientific research and other scientific activities in the light of evidence-based studies in the field of pediatric rehabilitation and to gain the necessary knowledge and experience for the development of research and projects.

FZTR608PREVENTIVE PHYSIOTHERAPY APPROACHESPROF. DR. MEHTAP MALKOÇPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONWithin the scope of this course, the importance, purposes and different physiotherapy approaches of preventive physiotherapy and rehabilitation are examined.
FZTR614MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM DISEASES AND REHABILITATION ASSOC. PROF. DR. ENDER ANGINPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONWithin the scope of this course, current physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches in upper and lower extremity musculoskeletal problems will be examined. Evidence-based evaluation and treatment techniques to be applied in these disease groups will be investigated and interpreted from a physiotherapy perspective.
FZTR698SEMINARPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONIn addition to the Ph.D. learning objectives, it is aimed to develop new methods for the solution of complex problems in special topics in physiotherapy, to develop the ability of education and research and to increase the ability of presentation.
FZTR699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMPHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHABILITATIONThe aim of the proficiency exam is to have both the oral and written tests of the student's knowledge about the basic subjects and the doctoral studies.
GAST511ADVANCED FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENTASST. PROF. DR. M. GÜVEN ARDAHANGASTRONOMYThe aim of this course is to show how the new strategic system approach can be used in food and beverage management. This course will also increase the awareness of the learning of critical factors that can help students to be properly managed to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Students will also be encouraged to develop skills such as problem solving, learning to learn and resource use and teamwork, including written and oral and interpersonal communication.
GAST512RESEARCH IN HISTORY OF GASTRONOMYASST. PROF. DR. ÖZLEM ALTUNGASTRONOMYIt is aimed to teach the methodology of in-depth research on specific topics in history of Turkish cuisine and World Cuisine as well, structured on the knowledge of general gastronomy history.
GNDR598SEMINARGENDER STUDIESThis course is designed to help students developing the academic research and writing skills they will need to complete the thesis and other requirements for the MA degree. The course focuses on technical writing skills including organization of arguments, critical reading, quoting sources and avoiding plagiarism. This course also provides an introduction to Women's Studies as a professional/academic field of study and an orientation to the Center's graduate program, facilities, resources, and the faculty. The course will introduce skills necessary for analyzing and comparing graduate level readings, techniques of group discussion, basic theoretical terminology and key issues and intellectual debates that characterize contemporary feminist discourse, epistemology, and pedagogy. Readings, discussion, activities, and papers will help students understanding the nature of graduate study and clarify their academic goals. The course will also focuses on developing thesis topics, researching for theoretical and contextual ground and writing a literature review, giving peer feedback.
GRAD501GRADUATE RESEARCH SKILLS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERSCHEMISTRYThis course aims to provide a solid foundation in conducting quality research at graduate level (especially at Master level) in the fields of science and engineering. Scientific research methods and their implications at different stages of the research process will be studied. Emphasis will also be placed on how to locate and make the best use of relevant sources, the development of a positive attitude toward research, the appreciation of scientific values (integrity, ethics, originality and academic freedom), and developing skills in the use of appropriate academic genres (research proposals, different types of report, journal papers, thesis) employing an appropriate format, style and language. The use of information technologies at all stages of research (on-line literature search, data processing, written communication and presentations) and other contemporary methods will also be considered together with a range of practical applications.
HKUK602CONSUMER LAWASST. PROF. DR. EMİNE KOÇANO RODOSLUPRIVATE LAWHistorical development of consumer law and its relevance to various branches of law; the reasons and objectives of consumer protection are discussed. Purpose and scope of the Law on the Protection of Consumers, definitions in the Law, in particular, who can be the consumer, the seller-provider and the manufacturer-producer will be explained. Afterwards, the students are informed about the rights of the consumers within the scope of this Law, and the authorities that consumers can apply to when faced with an undesirable situation. In addition, consumer protection and enlightenment in consumer transactions: consumer protection against deceptive advertisements, defective goods, unfair terms in the contract, warranty certificate are discussed. In particular, the topics of consumer protection are covered in installment sales, campaign sales, door-to-door sales, consumer loans, housing finance, prepaid housing sales, timeshare vacations and long-term vacations, package tours, subscriptions, credit cards and distance contracts. Finally, consumer organizations: Consumer Council, Consumer Issues Arbitration Committee; provisions on trial and punishment form the content of the course.
HKUK623HUMAN RIGHTS IN CITIZENSHIP LAWASSOC. PROF. DR. ARZU ALİBABAPRIVATE LAWThe UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights by including the provision "everyone has the right to a citizenship" emphasized that the right to a citizenship is a fundamental human right. However, debates continue on whether the right to a citizenship, which is not reflected in international conventions on human rights, is a fundamental human right. The aim of this course is to examine whether the right to have a citizenship is a fundamental human right, based on international and regional documents and court decisions. In this context, statelessness, the causes of statelessness, and whether deprivation of citizenship can be considered as a violation of human rights will be discussed. Another dimension of human rights in citizenship law concerns the role of human rights in the acquisition and loss of citizenship. Within this framework, equality, freedom of movement, freedom to choose residence, right to seek justice, right to respect for family life, right to respect for private life and right to property will be discussed in relation to the acquisition and loss of citizenship. The evaluations in question will be made by taking into account the rules and approaches of different states regarding citizenship.
HKUK626INTERNATIONAL LAW IASSOC. PROF. DR. HACER SOYKAN ADAOĞLUPRIVATE LAWDefinition and historical development of international law; theories of international law; international law - domestic law relations. Sources of international law: Customary rules, international agreements (ratification, application, interpretation, termination), general principles of law, judicial decisions, doctrine. Persons of international law: States: Definition and elements: Human element, sovereignty - independence -, territory: land, air and sea (including the Turkish Straits).
HKUK651EUROPEAN UNION COMPETITION LAWASST. PROF. DR. ULAŞ GÜNDÜZLERPRIVATE LAWIn order to ensure the effective functioning of the Internal Market, the legal rules enshrined in the Treaties and enacted by the European Union will be examined in order to ensure that businesses compete. In this framework, inter-business agreements, abuse of dominant position, mergers and acquisitions, the procedure for the investigation of infringements of competition law, the protection of fundamental rights andfreedoms during investigations and the relations between the Union bodies and national competition authorities will be examined.
HKUK686SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES IN LAWASSOC. PROF. DR. HACER SOYKAN ADAOĞLUPRIVATE LAWThe Scientific Research Methods and Techniques course has a comprehensive content that aims to teach the scientific research method, the sources that can be used during the studies, citation procedures, and the writing techniques of a systematic scientific research that each student studying at our Faculty will use in the studies, assignments, seminars and theses that they are obliged to write within the framework of both the master's and doctoral program. The fact that the problems experienced by our students, especially at the thesis stage, are realized after the theses are prepared and presented to the juries, and that these problems present serious difficulties to be solved at this stage has made it necessary to include such a course in the master's and doctoral program.In this course, the studies of the students for other master's and doctoral courses will be evaluated within the framework of scientific research methods and techniques and it will be aimed to raise the level of master's and doctoral studies in our Faculty.
HMSR500MASTER THESISNURSINGThe student practices thesis studies in the field of nursing under supervision of thesis advisor. Basic research areas of nursing are ; maintaining or supporting health conditions of healthy or sick individuals, preventing illnesses and analysis of nursing approaches of caring and treatment throughout illnesses, developing care methods and protocols in nursing, analysis of nursing concepts and care methods, nursing profession, nursing ethics, nursing services and care methods.
HMSR501RESEARCH IN NURSING – IPROF. DR. HATİCE BEBİŞ, ASSOC. PROF. DR. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞNURSINGThe course aims to improve students' ability of evaluating the results of conducted research, recognizing basic statistical methods, developing application abilities, classifying the research data by using statistics software, analyzing and examining a research article in terms of statistics.
HMSR504MEDICAL ASPECTS OF DISEASES AND NURSING APPROACH – IIASSOC. PROF. DR. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞ, ASST. PROF. DR. HANDAN SEZGİNNURSINGThe course focuses on the physiopathologies of most common diseases which disrupt the cell, organ and system functions. Symptoms and findings of case vignettes, dysfunction of organs and system are discussed with the cause and effects questions.
HMSR509FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING ASSOC. PROF. DR. HALİSE ÇOŞKUN,DOÇ. DR HÜLYA FIRAT KILIÇ,ASST. PROF. DR.SEDA CEVHEROĞLUNURSINGThe course aims to improve students' knowledge related to fundamentals of nursing by focusing on the basic concepts, principles and methods about nursing and approaches and developments regarding nursing fundamentals.
HMSR511NURSING CARE PROCESS ASSOC. PROF. DR. HALİSE ÇOŞKUN,DOÇ. DR HÜLYA FIRAT KILIÇ,ASST. PROF. DR.SEDA CEVHEROĞLUNURSINGNursing care process is followed with an analytic approach by practicing problem solving, critical thinking and decision making processes. Students are expected to develop a comprehensive nursing care plan for individuals who need different care requirements by focusing on problem solving, critical thinking and decision making abilities.
HMSR513THE BASIC PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPT IN SURGICAL NURSING –IIPROF. DR. SEVİNÇ TAŞTAN, ASSOC. PROF. DR. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞNURSINGThroughout the course, students will be able to analyze a case related to surgical subjects and they will develop their skills regarding decision making in accurate nursing attempts, identifying problems in a correct way by integrating their knowledge to the current analyzed case.
HMSR515CRITICAL CARE NURSINGPROF. DR. SEVİNÇ TAŞTAN, ASSOC. PROF. DR. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞNURSINGKnowledge related to intensive care, emergency and surgery patients' care, training and rehabilitation will be taught and the course will increase the students' knowledge and attitude towards these areas.
HMSR524CARDIOMETHABOLIC HEALTH AND NURSING CAREASST. PROF. DR. HANDAN SEZGİNNURSINGThis lesson aims to teach in depth anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of cardiomethabolic organs. Students gain detailed knowledge on invasive treatment procedures and patient care. They learn their role about giving information to patient and patients family on protection from cardiomethabolic disease.
HMSR527WOMEN's HEALTH NURSING - IIASSOC. PROF. DR. ROJJİN MAMUK, ASST. PROF. DR. ARZU ABİÇNURSINGThis course explains health problems related to women's health according to life stage, the roles and responsibilities of nurses to maintain and promote of women's health according to life periods
HMSR528PERINATOLOGY NURSINGASSOC. PROF. DR. ROJJİN MAMUK, ASST. PROF. DR. ARZU ABİÇNURSINGThis course explain to preparation of pre-pregnancy period of women's and his partners and its include nursing care related to pregnancy, labor and delivery and postpartum period to protect and promote mother, fetus and newborn health.
HMSR529HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF CHILD PROF. DR. SEMA KUĞUOĞLUNURSINGThis course contains the data collection methods such as interview, observation and physical assessment, principles of data collection from child and family, nursing diagnosis taxonomy, collaborative problems, analysis of collected data from child and family and determine the nursing diagnosis and/or collaborative problems.
HMSR531CHILD HEALTH AND DISEASE NURSING – II PROF. DR. SEMA KUĞUOĞLUNURSINGThe objective of the Child Health and Disease Nursing - II is to bring up pediatric nurses who can give holistic, family-centered, atraumatic nursing care to child and family for aiming health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of them, for this purpose developed critical thinking, decision making, problem solving skills, be able to communicate effectively, to fallow the nursing values ethical principles in practice, tend to learn new something continuously, may create the change for continuous quality improvement.
HMSR533 MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHIATRIC NURSING – II ASST. PROF. DR. BERNA ARİFOĞLUNURSINGIn this course students realize the basic theory and practices of the psychiatric nursing and develop skills on protection and rehabilitation on mental health of individuals, families and the community.
HMSR534COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSING ASST. PROF. DR. BERNA ARİFOĞLUNURSINGIn this course students realize the basic theory and practices of the community mental health nursing and develop skills on protection and rehabilitation on mental health of individuals, families and the community
HMSR536PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - IIPROF. DR. HATİCE BEBİŞNURSINGThis course explain to nursing process within changing public health nursing roles at health promotion and protection interventions.
HMSR537PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING PRACTICEPROF. DR. HATİCE BEBİŞNURSINGStudents use the basic public health nursing knowledge and skills at practices and understand the role of public health nurse in health services in this course.
HMSR538CASE STUDIES AND CARE MANAGEMENT IN MEDICAL NURSINGASST. PROF. DR. HANDAN SEZGİNNURSINGThis lesson allows students to have in depth knowledge about basic concepts of nursing and the models which used in nursing care processes and management. Provides information about planning and implementing nursing care processes for adult individuals.
HMSR598SEMINARNURSINGMaking literature review is taught with the aim of evaluating scientific developments related to nursing. The course includes the process of writing compilation article, process of writing research article, literature review and resourcing, criteria of evaluating publications, ethics of research and publication.
HMSR600PH. D. THESISNURSINGThe student practices thesis studies in the field of nursing under supervision of thesis advisor.
HMSR603THEORIES AND MODELS OF NURSING SCIENCE - IIPROF. DR. SEVİNÇ TAŞTAN, ASSOC. PROF. DR. HALİSE ÇOŞKUN, ASSOC. PROF. DR. HÜLYA FIRAT KILIÇNURSINGStudents will develop the skills and knowledge to apply nursing models into the fields of nursing education, management, practice and research, critically evaluate the models and conduct a clinical study based on a nursing model.
HMSR604QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN NURSINGPROF. DR. HATİCE BEBİŞ, ASSOC. PROF. DR. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞ NURSINGThis course include different aspects of the design features of the qualitative and quantitative research, qualitative research and nursing, qualitative research design, types of qualitative research, qualitative data collection methods, sample selection methods in qualitative research, qualitative data analysis, dissemination and evaluation principles of qualitative research report.
HMSR606SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO NURSINGPROF. DR. SEVİNÇ TAŞTAN, DOÇ.DR. HÜLYA FIRAT KILIÇ NURSINGDevelopment process of systematical approach toward nursing care, benefits and components,Critical thinking and nursing, Evidenced based nursing, Nursing Care Models, Nursing Classification Systems, International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP), -NANDA, NIC, NOC ve OMAHA classification systems, analysis of nursing care plan.
HMSR610ANALYTICAL APPROACHES IN WOMEN'S HEALTH NURSINGASSOC. PROF. DR. ROJJİN MAMUK, ASST. PROF. DR. ARZU ABİÇNURSINGThe student will examine current topics related to women's health nursing using different perspectives and analytical methods and discuss new problem-solving approaches. Clinical decision-making and healthcare systems, strategy development to solve the problems, innovations, nursing care models, improvement of life quality will be discussed in this course.
HMSR617 SPECİAL ISSUES İN NURSİNGPROF. DR. HATİCE BEBİŞNURSINGNeeded in the field of nursing students in a matter of custom work was built under guidance. Selected topics related to the concepts, theories and new developments are examined in detail. Gained wide application field of the student to use the knowledge provided
HMSR698PH. D. SEMINARNURSINGMaking literature review is taught with the aim of evaluating scientific developments related to nursing. The course includes the process of writing compilation article, process of writing research article, literature review and resourcing, criteria of evaluating publications, ethics of research and publication.
HMSR699PH.D. QUALIFICATION EXAMNURSINGThe exam assesses the students' knowledge and ability to pursue a Ph.D. thesis.
HOTM501ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTASST. PROF. DR. ALİ ÖZDURANHOTEL MANAGEMENTThe purpose of this course is to study human behaviour in service industries; especially in hospitality organizations, at the individual and group levels. Specific attention will be given to using Organizational Behavior concepts for developing and improving interpersonal skills. The course also aims to broaden the student's perceptions on the causes and effects of interpersonal and group behavior, its dynamics and influences, and organizational behavior relating to organizational climates, conflict and structural design.
HOTM502STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYPROF. DR. OSMAN M. KARATEPEHOTEL MANAGEMENTThis is a challenging course that focuses on how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies. This course aims to make students use all the knowledge obtained from past courses (e.g., tourism and hospitality operations, marketing management, organizational behavior, and financial management), coupled with new strategic management techniques learned, for charting the future direction of service organizations. Thus, students are expected to discuss a number of case studies and come up with suggestions for business practice.
HOTM503MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASSOC. PROF. DR. MİNE HAKTANIRHOTEL MANAGEMENTThis course focuses on the use of financial information for managerial decision making in the international hotel and tourism industry. This course develops the students' ability to use accounting techniques as an aid to planning and controlling operations as well as giving an understanding of company accounting/reporting process. At the end of this course the students will be able to measure business performance through use of strategic performance measurement techniques, prepare profit planning frameworks, understand and set business budgets, and use contemporary pricing issues in making decisions
HOTM515RESEARCH METHODSASST. PROF. DR. İLKAY YORGANCIHOTEL MANAGEMENTApproaches to tourism and hospitality research, research plans and proposals, research methods, qualitative methods, questionnaire surveys and design, research practice and survey analysis.
HOTM517TOURISM PLANNING AND POLICY DEVELOPINGYAR. DOÇ..DR. HAMED REZAPOURAGHDAMHOTEL MANAGEMENTTourism Policy and Panning aims to achieve an understanding of tourism development through providing knowledge about planning techniques and principles of policy making processes. The main emphasis is on tourism development and issues specific to tourism industry. Although 'planning' has been employed to overcome numerous difficulties in major urban areas, it has also applied to regional development projects at both macro and micro levels. with the complex economic and environmental discourse as well as the 'sustainability' platform; planning can provide means and processes to reconcile the contradictions and conflicts that are challenging in the new millenium.
HOTM520SUSTAINABLE TOURISM MANAGEMENT YAR. DOÇ..DR. HAMED REZAPOURAGHDAMHOTEL MANAGEMENTSustainable development and the application of its principles to tourism are more important now than ever. If tourism is to continue growing and diversifying in the next decades according to the same patterns that were observed in the second half of the twentieth century, it is not conceivable to let it follow such an expansion without mastering its wide range of impacts, both positive and negative, upon the social, economic and environmental fabrics of societies. The course will focus on sustainable tourism from two perspectives, firstly from the sustainable development side and secondly from the tourism side. As long as sustainable tourism is understood as a permanently evolving paradigm the course needs to build up upon both prior and prevailing research.
HOTM521TOURISM ECONOMICSASST. PROF. DR. CAHİT EZELHOTEL MANAGEMENTThe main aim of the course is to study the role of tourism in countries' economic lives. At the end of this course, the students will be equipped with necessary information and tools that will enable them to study and analyze economic impacts of tourism on the national income, balance of payments, employment, and factors affecting tourism demand and supply.
ICTE500MASTER THESISINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONThe objectives of this course are to enable the students to understand and doing a research in the subject areas of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. Program of research leading to M.S. degree, arranged between student and faculty member. Students register for this course in all semesters starting latest with third semester while the research program or write-up of thesis is in progress. At the end of the working period, the learner is expected to finish the research subject under the supervision of his/her supervisor, be able to defend his/her thesis, to get M.Sc. Degree.
ICTE502DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS PROF. DR. BUKET AKKOYUNLUINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONThe design, development, implementation and evaluation of teaching and learning materials for the Education, industry and / or human resource programs.
ICTE503RESEARCH METHODS IN COMPUTER AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES EDUCATIONPROF. DR. BUKET AKKOYUNLUINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONMain research areas in Computer and Instructional Technologies, formation of research design, techniques and methods in execution and evaluation.
ICTE505THEORY AND PRACTICE IN DISTANCE EDUCATIONINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONThe applications of distance education in Turkey and World, distance learning theories, the structure and functioning of distance education programs, learner profile in distance education, content, teaching-learning processes and assessment of achievement, evaluation distance education programs, the problems and offered solutions in distance education applications. At the end of course, students will be able to understand the theory of distance education, the structure and functioning of distance education programs, learner profile in distance education, content, teaching-learning processes and assessment of achievement, evaluation of distance education programs, the problems and solutions in distance education applications. It is also expected from students to reasoning and commenting about the debates over this subject.
ICTE534TRENDS IN ICT AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGYINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONReview of the studies in the field of educational technology based on certain standards educational technology. Classification of the studies. Determination of the recent trends in educational technology. Depending on their needs and uncover new field of study.
ICTE598SEMINARINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONIntroduction to the ICT and Instruction, basic research in instructional technologies, ICT and ICT education, problems, trends, current issues and projects.
ICTE599TERM PROJECTINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONTerm Project is individual work of a student that should be submitted as a report and defended in front of a jury.
ICTE600PH.D.THESISINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONThe objectives of this course are to enable the students to understand and doing a research in the subject areas of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. Program of research leading to Ph.D. degree in the field of computer education and instructional technology, arranged between the student and a faculty member from the department. At the end of the working period, the learner is expected to finish the research subject under the supervision of his/her supervisor, be able to defend his/her thesis, to get PhD Degree.
ICTE698SEMINARINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONIntroduction to the ICT and Instruction, basic research in instructional technologies, ICT and ICT education, problems, trends, current issues and projects.
IENG500MASTER THESISINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGThis is a master thesis course which is based on research in the field of Industrial Engineering. It offers students with the opportunity to conduct their own research on a specific topic. The topic of the thesis should be determined by consultation with a supervisor and approved by the department chair. The student can register this course as early as the second academic term. The thesis work has to be presented and defended in front of at least three-member jury
IENG518NON-LINEAR OPTIMIZATION ASSOC. PROF. DR. SAHAND DANESHVARINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGLocal and global optima. Newton-type, quasi-Newton, and conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization. Kuhn-Tucker theory and Lagrangean duality. Algorithms for linearly constrained optimization, including steepest ascent and reduced gradient methods with applications to linear and quadratic programming. Interior point methods. Non-linearly constrained optimization including penalty and barrier function methods, reduced and projected gradient methods, Lagrangean methods. Computer implementation.
IENG531PRODUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING PROF. DR. GÖKHAN İZBIRAKINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGAnalysis of some specific problem areas within the context of planning and scheduling of production activities. Definition, formulation and available solution procedures for aggregate planning, lot sizing, material requirements planning, cutting stock, line balancing, single processor scheduling, multi processor scheduling problems.
IENG581DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS ASSOC. PROF. DR. ADHAM MAKKIEINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGThe simple comparative experiments, experiments with a single factor, fixed effect and random effect models, model adequacy checking, choice of sample size, randomized blocks and latin squares design, incomplete block design, factorial designs, rules for sums of squares and expected mean squares, fractional factorial designs and regression analysis. Moreover, the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) will be introduced.
IENG598GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINARINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGThis course is designed to orient the students for research by emphasizing reading, comprehension, discussion and performing exercises on IE/OR problem areas. For this purpose, each student is required to choose an IE/OR topic that is suitable to his/her academic background and interests, study this topic under the guidance of faculty members, make a literature survey, and point out the relevant further research areas. Throughout this course each student is also required to read and study some technical papers and give a series of seminars.
IENG599TERM PROJECTINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGIn this course, the student is expected to work on a well-defined short project, covering a specific area of his/her choice. Alternatively, the work could cover any specific industrial problem and its solution or could even be a literature survey of a research topic. The end result will be a compilation of a final technical report of the study.
IENG600PH.D. THESISINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGThis is a doctoral dissertation based on a significant research in the field of Industrial Engineering. In a Ph.D. Thesis at least one of the following is sought: Introducing an innovation to science, developing an innovative scientific method or applying a known method to a new field. The topic of the dissertation should be determined by consultation with a supervisor and approved by the department chair so that to have a suitable complexity which enables the student to publish the findings for expert audience. The student can register this course as early as the third academic term. The thesis work will be presented and defended in front of a five-member jury of which one member from outside the university.
IENG698GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR – IIINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGThis non-credit compulsory course is for all students starting from their second semester. The course aims to provide students with knowledge of scientific research techniques, procedures and to make them aware of research ethics. Students should identify a research topic on Industrial Engineering and review its relevant literature. Additionally a report should be written and at least one presentation must be made.
IENG699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGIt is a review process which is intended to early assess the student's preparation and aptitude toward completing a Ph.D. Degree. Students having at least 3.0 grade point average in doctoral coursework and fulfill all other pre-candidacy requirements can register to the course. The evaluation process is administered by the graduate committee of the department of Industrial Engineering. The review process goes through a two-session written and an oral examinations to be conducted during the last week of the academic semester. A student failing the qualifying examination twice is dismissed from the program.
ILET500MASTER THESISCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESConsistent with the Regulations of the Institute for Graduate Education and Research, students will register to this course until completing their theses.
ILET501MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course provdes students w'th useful analytical tools for conceptualizing the broad contexts within which the mass media are situated. In this course we will explore these questions. What does the media do? Repeat the truth? Make up the truth? Entertain in order to be more profitable? What are the unseen forces that determine what we view and read? How does media content affect the nature of society? Some selected topics are role of the audience, effects controversy, ratings , visual images which dominate our society, news, public opinion.
ILET502SELECTED READINGS IN MASS COMMUNICATION STUDIES COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESA graduate level introduction to communication and media studies through a review of major historical and contemporary trends in communication research and literature. The course begins with an overview of the early work produced by North American and European scholars and social theorists around communication and culture, proceeds through the historical debates of the 1970s around the possibility of a “field" of communication and considers the more contemporary and still emerging approaches to understanding communication as a social practice while providing the theoretical background and analytic skills needed to navigate the tensions among these varying approaches. We will consider questions concerning the multiple ways in which communication issues can be addressed from different points of view, and explores how these different points of view support different knowledge claims.
ILET504COMMUNICATION RESEARCH METHODCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course aims to introduce the students to the epistemology, ontology and methodology of standard and alternative research in communication studies. It provides not only the theoretical background but also practical skills of carrying out research in communication. The students taking this course are expected to contrast research with reasoned inquiry and common sense; to identify problems which will justify communication research; to formulate researchable research techniques; to select appropriate research techniques; to write a succinct, detailed and persuasive research proposal, to present it orally and defend it against criticism; to explore quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and produce research reports in both of them.
ILET524SEMIOTICSCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESHuman cultures are understood as consisting of meanings built by signs and symbols, involved by myths, rituals, language, science, and all other cultural phenomena. How these meanings are searched and made comes under the branch of semiotics. Semiotics - the science of the signs - searches how the signs of a culture represent the world. The ability to understand or to decode signs and symbols makes it possible to get an access to the culture of a specific people, and provides one with the necessary information needed for several branches in communication, e.g. media and advertising. The course emphasizes on analyzing and understanding everyday objects and their presentation in advertising. Equipped with the necessary topic related terminology, and actual reading materials the student will learn how to read advertising elements such as photos, pictures, graphics, and web page layouts. Furthermore the student will be able to give attention to the design of culture specific advertising material.
ILET527THE STRUCTURE OF MEDIA SECTORCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThe course aims at exploring the current structure of global and local media, print and communication industries in all aspects. The topics to be discussed throughout the course include the questions of media ownership and monopoly, the relations between different sectors of communication, intellectual property rights, recent trends in and prospects for the media sector as well as the status of the sector within the larger context of information and entertainment industry.
ILET532UNDERSTANDING MEDIACOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESGraduate students in communication and media studies need to have academic skills necessary for critical readings of various cultural (including the print/visual media) texts. Introducing theoretical background for approaching/analyzing the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic texts, this course aims to provide the ability to see the `things` differently in the field of Communication Studies. The course will provide an overview of the different approaches to textual analysis with particular emphasis on post-structuralist approaches that take all the cultural texts/practices as discursive, to be read like other texts. First part of the course will base on recent post-structuralist and post-modern theorists' and philosophers' works such as Michel Foucault, Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau, Jacques Derrida that contributed to the discourse theories. Second part of the course will cover the evaluation of the researches/works that were done by the scholars who are in the field of Cultural Studies. Giving this course during the Fall term, the students will be prepared to the “Seminar in Discourse Analysis" (JRN 525) that will be opened in the following Spring term as an elective course for the ones who want to apply critical discourse analysis to the cultural texts.
ILET553GENDER AND THE MEDIACOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESIt is necessary for potential media professionals to have a gender perspective with the understanding of “globalizing social life" and "world in change." The intention of this MA seminar is to provide an introduction to contemporary gender issues in the social sciences and humanities; in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and post-colonial studies. In addition to this, special attention will be given to various perspectives in gender analysis, such as, for instance, the first, second, and third waves of feminism, and their subsequent effects on the social sciences and humanities. The concept of gender and its influence on contemporary academic disciplines will be the primary focus of this seminar. Participants will be given a variety of interesting readings covering a broad range of perspectives. Some of the concepts that will be investigated include; patriarchy, sex and gender, gender mainstreaming, public and private dichotomy. Those students who wish to join this seminar will be required to complete the essential readings list in the seminar outline, read a book related to one of the specific areas that we will cover, and write a critique or analysis of it (handing in various drafts and a final copy as directed).
ILET584THE POWER OF PERSUATION: RHETORIC IN ADVERTISING COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESThis course provides the student with grounding in both classical rhetoric and its critical use in the study of advertising copywriting. It is the contention of this course that advertising can be profitably viewed as, fundamentally, an application of rhetorical principles to the building of persuasive selling messages. The course emphasizes the foundation status of Aristotle's The Art of Rhetoric but will also look at extracts from rhetorical works by Plato, Isocrates and Ramus. It will be seen that ancient concerns regarding the ethics of rhetoric closely mirror current concerns regarding the ethics of advertising. Students will be introduced to the 'figures of speech' (the tropes and schemes of rhetoric) and will be asked to both analyze contemporary advertising with respect to the figures and also produce copy of their own using them. The work of Edward McQuarrie will be closely examined in terms of its ramifications for contemporary changes in advertising methodology. Finally, issues surrounding current debates concerning the rhetoric of rhetoric will be applied to the advertising industries own attempts at self-justification, self-appraisal and self-regulation.
ILET598SEMINARCOMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIESMany graduate students under-perform in their course work, exams, and eventually their theses due to poorly developed basic study skills. Taking essay writing as its basic activity, this course demonstrates how the integration of study, planning, time Management, rhetorical and language skills is an essential prerequisite of good results. The course will be run on a “workshop" basis – much of the actual exercises we will be doing will occur during class time. Come expecting to participate in discussions and practical work. There will also be occasional homework assignments. All of this work is important as it will form the basis of students' coursework Mark. In the final essay students will be expected to demonstrate all the skills they have acquired during the course – preparing outlines, drafts, coherent argument, etc.
INAR501INTERDISCIPLINAY WORKSHOPINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREInterdisciplinary Workshop is a compulsory course offered to all graduate students at an interdisciplinary level. Since architecture stands at the intersection point of different study areas, the interdisciplinary character of the professional studies have to be employed. Thus, the aim of this compulsory course is to guide the students to carry out certain researches around their different interest areas while the theme remaining constant within one semester.
The sub-research groups are selected according to the various sub-topics of different architectural themes such as design in all scales; theory; history; conservation-restoration; economy; technology, environmental control; construction and materials; management etc.. These research options are kept large in order to give students more freedom in selecting the topic of their contribution to the workshop. Different workshop methods are applied in achieving a mutual end product, taking inputs from different disciplines and viewing the theme from different perspectives.
The role of the instructor(s) is to coordinate the workshop process and to act as a mediator. Guest lecturers and experts are invited to support the fundamentals of the concerned sub-themes / areas.
Depending on the number and research areas of the attended students, they are required to work either in a single group or as sub-groups forming the whole. A variety of research methods are experienced by the students; as literature survey; analysis techniques covering observation; photographing; sketching, etc.; workshops towards problem solving; group discussions led by instructors; synthesizing the collected data of the research; presentations (verbal, graphics and posters), etc.
INAR505ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODSINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREBased on the subject matter, the main aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the process / methods of research plan formulation and implementation and the appraisal of completed pieces of research. The course also aims to give guidance on developing a research strategy, programme and a project that would be appropriate in the early stages of a dissertation/thesis or grant application. It also aims to provide an introduction to the design of experiments and investigations and analysis of data as would be suitable and necessary for the undertaking of postgraduate study.
This is a required course intended to foster academic research methods and writing skills that will enable new Master students to participate fully in scholarly life and discourse as professionals. It is designed as a venue for each student to develop a strong dissertation prospectus that includes a clear statement of dissertation topics, research questions, a well-thought-out description of methodology, a consideration of potential primary and secondary sources, and a carefully prepared bibliography. All these aspects of historical analysis are intimately interconnected. It is intended that the writing will focus on the framework of the prospectus. The work produced for this course should be an integral part of the prospectus and, ultimately, of the dissertation.
The course also serves as an introduction to professional activities such as writing and presenting conference papers, preparing grant proposals and curriculum vitae, and writing book reviews. The standards and requirements of all assignments will reflect the goal of communicating one's research and intellectual work to the international scholarly community in high quality English prose.
INAR506RENOVATION PRACTICEINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREWithin the scope of Renovation Practices, the main aim is to practice renovation / adaptive re-use / conversion / adaptation design projects in a conceptual level within the contemporary conservation concept. In the context of the conceptual based projects that are going to be handled through multidisciplinary approaches, subjects like theories and techniques of design, interior space organization, process of interior architectural design (research, analysis, synthesis, and), legitimate processes, and the phases of interior architectural applications will be addressed.
INAR542CONTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALSINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREIn the past, the architectural options were often limited to local materials and traditional methods of working. But over recent decades the globalisation of trade plus global communications and transport logistics networks have changed the situation drastically. For the architects and interior designers, the search for the “perfect" materials has become very important subject. Discovery of the new technologies and transfer of existing material to other contexts are two principles for the research on innovative materials. Each innovative materials has assets and disadvantages. The process of selecting the right interior materials should cover the aspects of health and safety codes, economic criteria, environmental criteria, installation information, industry standards and regulations. The aim of this course is to help the interior designers select the suitable innovative materials and installation techniques in terms of the factors mentioned above.
INAR543INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN INTERIOR DESIGNINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREIn this course, the developments in technology and materials, which lead to innovations in interior design are handled. The design factors that affect innovative contemporary interior design solutions are examined; the designs are analysed in terms of form, structure and construction methods; and are evaluated through aesthetical, technical, economical and ergonomical characteristics.
INAR561INTERIOR SPACEDESIGN THEORIES &THECHNIQUESINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREIssues addressed in the course include: Definitions of design, evolution of design, design process, and design theories, design methods and techniques, relationships between designing, learning, perceving and creating, models and visualisation, and visualisation tools, design and styles, design, creativity, ınnovation and relationships to each other; and new tendencies of design in the millenium.
INAR563ARCHITECTURAL SPACE ORGANIZATIONINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREThe main target of this course is to understand, interpret and evaluate the architectural space and its organization; where space organization will be emphasized. Dimensions in the understanding, interpretation and evaluation of space organization are handled in different dimensions such as environmental, political, social, cultural and behavioral dimensions of the objective and subjective manner. By integrating considerations regarding the organization of space with the principles of design, aesthetics, function, comfort and culture, the course enables students to configure possible and attractive spaces in interior design by creating/interpreting spaces that are as comfortable as they are efficient, functional and aesthetically pleasing, by promoting the well-being of their occupants as well as the environment. Under the light of this view, the course will be supported by lectures on space organization principles and theories. The students are expected to make small scale exercises on space organization.
INAR565INTERIOR DESIGN PHILOSOPHYINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREWith an understanding that design is not solely 'the visual expression of the end-product' oriented; what is ideologically inherent in the end-product's composition and release to the human consumption is of a great importance. This course will accomplish the importance of idea development for any end-product. The goal of the course is to adopt that the philosophical approach is inevitable in the design process. This will be achieved through a series of lectures, self researches, and discussion platforms.
INAR591INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE STUDIO IINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREWithin the scope of Interior Architecture Studio I, the main aim is to bring the design aptitude of the students further. In the context of the conceptual based projects that are going to be handled through multidisciplinary approaches, subjects like theories and techniques of design, interior spatial organization, process of interior architectural design (research, analysis, synthesis, and creative design), legitimate process, and the phases of interior architectural applications will be addressed.
INAR592INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 2INTERIOR ARCHITECTUREIn the context of the Interior Architecture Studio II course, production of contemporary designs with the awareness and interpretation of contemporary technological developments is expected. With this perspective, information-and-communication technology-based application projects attaching importance to environmental ethics, and enhancing function-space-material-furnishing unity will be developed. Besides, seminars intended for the preparation of the term project as a continuing part of thisstudio will be planned.
INAR598SEMINARINTERIOR ARCHITECTUREThe purpose of the graduate seminars is to provide graduate students with exposure to a variety of research projects and activities in order to enrich their academic experiences. The seminars by the students will also provide the department members with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with all graduate students within the department and learn about each student's research activities. Finally, the seminars will provide the students with an opportunity to develop skills in presentation and discussion of research topics in a public forum.
INTB599TERM PROJECTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA term project is a study that requires the students to demonstrate the ability in applying their knowledge and skills in finding unique, realistic, applicable and innovative solutions to problems in their professional fields.
INTL517NATIONALISMASST. PROF. DR. GÜLAY UMANER DUBAINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThe aim of this course is to elucidate some of the major issues, concepts and debates in the field of studies of nationalism and to interrogate some of the most recent and important theoretical work done on nationalism. The emphasis of the course will be on theorizing nationalism, rather than producing quasi‐naturalistic explanations of its emergence, success or failure. We will try to examine the way in which our attempts at conceptualization are already implicated in a matrix of modernity. The enunciation of ethnic difference or patriotic solidarity by scholars will be taken not as an objective statement of disinterested observers with a neutral standpoint but will be problematized as part and parcel of the social and historical context of their utterance and in light of their political as well as academic deployments.
INTL550THEORIES OF CONFLICT AND CONFLICT TRANSFORMATIONPROF. DR. KUDRET ÖZERSAYINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThis course will survey the theory and the actual practice of both international and ethnic conflicts, and investigate possible methods of resolving these conflicts. Special attention will be put on the processes of peacemaking and reconciliation between the adversaries through real life examples. Within the broader conflict resolution field, processes as bargaining (negotiation), mediation by the "third party" involvement and other alternative dispute resolution processes will be analyzed.
INTL551NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION: THEORY AND PRACTICEASST. PROF. DR. GÜNAY AYLİN GÜRZEL AKAINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThe survey of the theory and the practice of international negotiations and mediation. The ingredients and processes of bargaining (negotiation). Conflict prevention. Understanding and development of negotiation and mediation skills.
INTL598SEMINARINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThe goal of this Seminar is to provide students with a general understanding of International Relations as a scientific discipline and the opportunity to receive extensive intellectual and methodological advice on their master research. More specifically, the Seminar is intended to provide students with an insight into practical skills needed as a researcher, academic ethics and tools to secure progression in their master work. It is meant to stimulate the writing process and awareness of the criteria that form the basis of peer review and academic assessment. It will provide a unique opportunity to network with scholars within the EMU academic community.
INTL602INTERNATIONAL LAW AND ORGANISATIONASST. PROF. DR. GÜLAY UMANER DUBAINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThe Seminar aims to capture the competing visions and perceptions of international law and international organization, and the tension between the 'traditional' and 'new' international law. It will theorize on the relationship between international law and international relations. The Seminar will also explore the process of fragmentation of international law and the difficulties arising from its diversification and expansion.
INTL639THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM: STRUCTURES AND TRANSFORMATIONSASSOC. PROF. DR. BERNA NUMANINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThis course considers the origins and evolution of the modern international system from fifteenth century to the present. It will concentrate on current debates on the nature of international change and competing visions and descriptions of the emerging world order. The course will also trace the emergence of the institution of sovereignty and its subsequent transformations, charting the path from the Peace of Westphalia to the Concert of Europe, the system of competing empires, and the post-World War II order.
INTL640CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACEMAKINGPROF. DR. KUDRET ÖZERSAYINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThis course aims at analyzing possible resolutions of different conflicts while examining ethnic conflicts having international character both in theory and in practice. A special emphasis will be made on peacebuilding and peace agreement processes among different conflicts. In addition to these, from a broader perspective of conflict resolution negotiation, third-party mediation and alternative conflict resolution processes will be explored.
INTL698SEMINARINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThe goal of this Seminar is to provide students with a general understanding of International Relations as a scientific discipline and the opportunity to receive extensive intellectual and methodological advice on their doctoral research. More specifically, the Seminar is intended to provide students with an insight into practical skills needed as a researcher, academic ethics and tools to secure progression in their PhD work. It is meant to stimulate the writing process and awareness of the criteria that form the basis of peer review and academic assessment. It will provide a unique opportunity to network with scholars within the EMU academic community.
ITAS501INTERDISCIPLINAY WORKSHOPINTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (TURKISH)The course of Interdisciplinary Worhshop Studies is a compulsory course that is applied at an interdisciplinar platform. The main aim of this compulsory course is to guide students researching multi-dimensional subjects based on their own field of interests, according to the theme given at the beginning of the term. The sub-research groups formed within the context of the course are selected from a variety of fields that cover all the scales, such as design; theory; urban design; history; conservation-restoration; economy; technology; environmental control; construction and material. In this course, students attainexperience on interdisciplinary discussion and evaluation, literature review, analysis techniques, problem solving studies, group discussions under the supervision of the instructors, synthesis of research data, and presentation (verbal, graphic and poster).
ITAS504DESIGN RESEARCHESINTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (TURKISH)With an interdisciplinar approach, the course aims to define scientific research project and to be a guide for the subjects of development and practice. Beside this; the course has an objective to attain necessary skills for writing a master thesis and a scientific article based on the scientific research ethics and methods. These skills are defining problem, clarifying research questions, designating the relevant method, collecting data and analysing and synthesizing data.
ITAS506RENOVATION PRACTICEINTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (TURKISH)Within the scope of Renovation Practices, the main aim is to practice renovation / adaptive re-use / conversion / adaptation design projects in a conceptual level within the contemporary conservation concept. In the context of the conceptual based projects that are going to be handled through multidisciplinary approaches, subjects like theories and techniques of design, interior space organization, process of interior architectural design (research, analysis, synthesis, and), legitimate processes, and the phases of interior architectural applications will be addressed.
ITAS598SEMINARINTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (TURKISH)The purpose of the graduate seminars is to provide graduate students with exposure to a variety of research projects and activities in order to enrich their academic experiences. The seminars by the students will also provide the department members with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with all graduate students within the department and learn about each student's research activities. Finally, the seminars will provide the students with an opportunity to develop skills in presentation and discussion of research topics in a public forum.
ITEC500MASTER THESISINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThe objective of the master's thesis is to enable the students to have a unique piece of work in the field of Information Technology, which includes evaluation or thorough analysis of a method.
ITEC511IT PROJECT MANAGEMENTINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThis course aims to provide a full understanding of the management roles, responsibilities and techniques needed in technology projects. The course also teaches how technology project management adapts as a computer system evolves from concept to implementation. All areas of the subject, including organization, work breakdown structure and scheduling, resources and project financing, project control and evaluation, management considerations, critical success factors and risk management will be discussed through the course.
ITEC521COMPUTER NETWORKING APPLICATIONSASST. PROF. DR. HÜSNÜ BAYRAMOĞLUINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIntroduction of the newest networking technologies with a special emphasis on wireless networking and optical networking, familiarizing students with current research areas. TCP/IP overview. Integrated services. Differantiated services. Multiprotocol Label Switching. Ethernet overview and gigabit Ethernet. Wireless Networks. Optical Networks.
ITEC549DATA ANALYSIS WITH SOFTWAREASST. PROF. DR. MUSTAFA T. BABAGİLINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIt is very important for the researchers to analyze the collected data. Furthermore, using a special software to generate output with the collected data and commenting on the output is very critical. This course is mainly designed to teach the fundamentals of using software for the collected data such as variable definitions, data input, data analysis, etc. In addition to this, fundamentals related to tests that may help the students to make their own comments on the output tables produced by the used software will be discussed. In order to make appropriate comments on outputs, one should learn statistics thoroughly.
ITEC564ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATIONINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThis course is about Robotic Process Automation (RPA) systems. It began as an introduction to RPA and how it can be used to solve business process problems. Students explore what RPA is and where it is useful, how RPA fits into current information technology setups, how RPA fits into a modern organization, the types of issues it can be used to solve and how to analyze a process for potential automation, extracting and manipulating data from both external and internal sources, generating reports and statistics, and orchestrating multi-robot installations. Students also will learn how to implement an RPA solution and implement it in an organization.The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical insights from emprical studies and real-world applications across various sectors.
ITEC598SEMINARINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThe aim of the seminar course is to improve the student's skills in conducting research in an area of interest for the student, preferably a topic related to the thesis work, and reporting the research findings both verbally and in writing.
ITEC599TERM PROJECTINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYTerm Project is individual work of a student that should be submitted as a report and defended in front of a jury.
KAAY500MASTER THESISURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEStudent must submit a thesis on results of their original investigation of a problem may be one of limited scope. The thesis must show a significant style, organization and depth of understanding of the subject. Thesis Study conducted with the supervision of an instructor.
KAAY502ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS AND THEIR DEVELOPMENTASSOC. PROF. DR. BÜLENT KIZILDUMANURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEThe course will focus on various methods of architectural construction, architectural styles, buildings within the framework of rural and urban environments and their settlement planning, underlining how such variants shape the design of architectural complexes. The time-span will range from the prehistoric periods to today and the course will provide an overview of world architectural history from an archaeological viewpoint. The course will also analyse the design of architectural constructions within an archaeological/philosophical viewpoints with the aim of providing how the function of buildings such as palaces/other administrative buildings, temples/sacred spaces and workshops can be derived from the archaeological/architectural record. From the beginnings of the concept of architectural history, archaeological, industrial and historical buildings will be used as archaeological data to read their history in various ways. The concepts of architectural constructions from prehistoric periods to Medieval and recent times will also be dealt with starting from the designers of buildings to the work of stone-masons.
KAAY504ARCHAEOLOGY OF TURKEY AND THE HISTORY OF CIVILISATIONDR. SEREN ÖĞMENURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEThis course will deal with the cultural development of Anatolia, starting with hunter-gatherer societies and the earliest settlements in Anatolia to the end of the Roman Empire using archaeological and historical data, with a view to Anatolia's place in the history of world civilisations and its contributions to it.
Subjects studied will include the Pre-Pottery Neolithic and Pottery Neolithic periods as well as Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages which will be mainly studied through material remains. Later periods will also involve historical records, but overall, social/economic and political developments will be studied. The transition to agriculture and the establishment of first settlements, the rise of political elites and cities, colonialism and imperial dynamics will be dealt with and the possible reasons for such developments will be discussed. Following the end of the Bronze Age, the emergence of Neo-Hittite, Urartian and Lydian cultures will be summarised and the following Greek colonisation process, the interaction of such foreign colonies with the local cutures, the period of the Persian Empire, the kingdoms of the Hellenistic period and social/economic/political developments where the interaction of local kingdoms within the framework of world empires became varied will be studied.
KAAY509ICONOGRAPHY OF LATE ANTIQUITYDR. CEREN ERELURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEIn this class students will be instructed about identification and interpretation/iconographic review of the Late Antique plastic artefacts and paintings; identification of that period's statue, wall paintings, and reliefs. Late Antique works of art will be evaluated based on their relevant context and in terms of material, place, subject, period and content.
KAAY511SETTLEMENTS IN THE LIGHT OF MATERIAL AND WRITTEN EVIDENCE IN THE BYZANTINE WORLDDR. CEREN ERELURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEIn the context of the course, firstly, the existing sources about the Byzantine urban-rural formation and transformation processes will be examined. Then, in line with the written documents, a scientific evaluation of architectural structures and cultural elements will be carried out within the city and campuses with different population and quality. Within the scope of this evaluation, architectural characteristics and building types will be discussed and interpreted together with movable cultural assets.
KAAY512CONCEPT OF CONSERVATION IN CULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIESDR. CEM TANERİURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEThe aim of the course is to provide the students with the practical and conceptual principles of conservation and restoration approaches of
archaeological-historical movable and immovable cultural heritage. In addition, the Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural
Heritage and the practices carried out within the framework of this convention will be examined. Within the scope of the course, laws,
regulations, by-laws and international conventions related to these topics will be discussed.
The main practices in the conservation of archaeological and historical cultural heritage will be explained with a universal ethical approach.
Applications in the laboratory for movable cultural heritage and in the field for immovable cultural heritage will be introduced.
KAAY598SEMINARURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGEIn Seminar course, students are guided regarding the thesis writing and research methods.
KAAY599TERM PROJECTURBAN ARCHEOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE This course will involve the interactive study of a subject/project decided upon by the project coordinator and the student
KORS501CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION STUDIO - ICONSERVATION AND RESTORATIONFundamentals of architectural conservation project. Field studies for measured drawings through survey of archeological site/ historical residential building. Analysis of the building to determine its structural and material problems. Examination of historical documents related with the building. Restitutional studies and architectural conservation project scheme at the end. Presentation with both drawings and report.
KORS502CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION STUDIO - IIASSOC. PROF. DR. EGE U. TÜMERCONSERVATION AND RESTORATIONArchitectural restoration project of a monumental historical building. Documentation through field studies. Analysis of the building to consider its potentials and problems. Historical research to provide basis for restitution study. Architectural restoration project with the integration of theoretical considerations, functional and structural necessities.
KORS503THEORY AND HISTORY OF CONSERVATIONASSOC. PROF. DR. EGE U. TÜMERCONSERVATION AND RESTORATIONReview of the historical background of restoration and conservation. Presentation of the documentary sources of historical buildings. Discussion of preservation concepts related with historic buildings and environments. Examples of preservation approaches.
KORS505ANALYSIS AND CONSERVATION OF MATERIAL DECAY IN HISTORIC STRUCTURESCONSERVATION AND RESTORATIONProperties of historical building materials and the causes of their deterioration processes. Philosophy of material conservation on historical buildings. Modern analysis and remedial techniques of conservation interventions. Discussion of examples related with material conservation.
KORS521PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT METHODS OF HISTORIC ENVIRONMENTASSOC. PROF. DR. EGE U. TÜMERCONSERVATION AND RESTORATIONPresentation of methods and techniques for preservation of historic sites. Investigation of documentation methods appropriate for the chosen historic area. Examination of the historic environment in which the historic residential building subjected to study in the restoration project is to be preferred. Analysis of architectural, natural, cultural and socio-economic characteristics of the study area. Evaluation of the potentials and problems. Discussion of possible recommendation and design guidelines for succeeding preservation decisions.
KORS527CONSERVATION TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE PLANNINGASSOC. PROF. DR. EGE U. TÜMERCONSERVATION AND RESTORATIONThe symbiosis of both tourism and heritage places has become a major objective in the management and planning of historic areas today. The extraordinarily high level of tourism pressure at many heritage sites requires further planning and detailed management to avoid or reduce the adverse impacts as in the case of Cyprus. Therefore, this course examines the current conflicts among the ideas of conservation, heritage, and tourism and argues for a sustainable approach to the management and planning of heritage places based on a community and cultureled agenda.
LAW 522LABOUR LAW IIPROF. DR. ŞÜKRAN ERTÜRKLAWCollective bargaining,collective agreement,compulsory arbitration,unions,confederetions,industrial actions,strikes and lockouts,social security,work injuries and diseases,illness,invalidity insurance,death insurance,retirment,maternity,lump sum payment,contributions are the topics examined in this course.
LAW 526PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW IIASSOC. PROF. DR. ARZU ALİBABALAWThis course examines: Conflict of Laws, general problems, choice of legal rules -law to be applied to the issue; law of International Civil Procedure, international jurisdiction, state immunity, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards.
LAW 531CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IASST. PROF. DR. BEZAR EYLEM EKİNCİLAWThe General Principles of Constitutional Law comprise the following topics: The concept of state; types of state, federal state, unitary state; types of Constitution, rigid, flexible, and written constitutions; the concept of human rights, pluralism and political participation, authoritarian, democratic systems; political parties and electoral systems, the separations of powers and governmental systems, presidential, conventional, parliamentary, semi-presidential.
LAW 532CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IIASSOC. PROF. DR. DEMET ÇELİK ULUSOYLAWThis course examines: Historical background of Turkish constitutional developments; the general characteristics of the 1982 Constitution including national state, democratic state, secularism, social state, the rule of law; the legislature, the structure of legislature, the legislative process, control over the executive, budgetary powers; the Executive, the President of the Republic, the Council of Ministers; the Judiciary, the independence of the judiciary, the Constitutional Court and judicial review of the constitutionally of laws
LAW 535GENERAL PUBLIC LAW IASST. PROF. DR. SEDA ORBAY YÜCELLAWThe course covers public law and human rights, interaction between state, individuals, rights and liberties among the society, historical perspective of the problem of limiting authority of the state, national and international documents related to human rights.
LAW 536GENERAL PUBLIC LAW IIASST. PROF. DR. SEDA ORBAY YÜCELLAWThis course covers: Human rights, historical roots and the development of the concept of human rights at national and international levels; national and international -universal and regional, protection of human rights; the United Nations system and the European Convention on human rights, rights granted, measures foreseen for the protection of said rights, the States' practices.
LAW 542COMMERCIAL LAW IIASSOC. PROF. DR. HAKAN BİLGEÇLAWThe purpose of this course is to study different types of Companies and problems thereof, in light of the provisions of the Turkish Code of Commerce. In this context, unlimited partnerships, commercial partnerships, limited partnerships, joint stock companies, cooperative companies are examined.
LAW 586RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES IN LAW ASSOC. PROF. DR. HAKAN BİLGEÇLAWThis course will be conducted in the graduate studies program of the students is required to write assignments, particularly necessary in the preparation of seminars and thesis. There is a comprehensive technical content aimed at teaching writing a systematic scientific research, scientific research methods and resources can be utilized during the studies cited procedures of the contents of the course. This course, students will be assessed on the basis of scientific research methods and techniques of their work for other graduate courses and also the course will be to raise the level of our faculty with graduate studies.
LAW 591SOCIOLIGY OF LAWASST. PROF. DR. NAZİME BEYSANLAWThe course examines:Definition of the Sociology of Law; real sources of law; the historical roots of Sociology of Law in light of the views and theories of some important writers, Durkheim, Marx, Max Weber, Montesquieu and others.
MARC542BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL DESIGNASSOC. PROF. DR. ERCAN HOŞKARAARCHITECTUREThe primary mission of architects is sustainability in architecture, which considers environmental criteria. Introduction of the theory and concepts related to sustainability in building technology; to examine them at the scales of building material, element and overall building; definition of performance requirements and their relationship with the available technologies; to apply the theoretical knowledge of construction design to practice through case studies and assignments, definition of sub-systems and their integration and so on.
MARC562PEOPLE-ENVIRONMENT STUDIESPROF. DR. ÖZGÜR DİNÇYÜREKARCHITECTUREIntroduction to the range of research into man- environment relationships which have implications for design disciplines; theories, models, approaches and important concepts in man-environment studies in regards to anthropological, ecological, sociological, cultural issues.
MARC591ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN - IARCHITECTUREThis studio builds upon the experience of the previous design studios at
Bachelor Degree level, in the sense that increasingly complex design problems are addressed.
MARC592ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN - IIARCHITECTUREThis is the design studio aiming to develop first phase of the architectural design project which would be completed in Final Term Project.
MARC594LEGAL AND MANAGERIAL ASPECTS OF ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICEPROF. DR. HALİL Z. ALİBABAARCHITECTUREThis course introduces the fundamentals of planning, and Environment of
Management, project Planning including organizational planning and goal setting, strategy formulation and implementation, managerial decision making.
MARC599 TERM PROJECTARCHITECTUREThis is the design studio aiming to develop first phase of the architectural design project which would be completed in Final Term Project.
MATH501ANALYSISPROF. DR. NAZIM MAHMUDOVMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEN-dimensional Euclidian space, elementary geometry and basic topological notations, covex sets, functions, limits and continuity of transformations, sequences in n-dimensional Euclidian space, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, relative neighbourhoods, continuous transformations, topological spaces, connectedness, compactness, metric spaces, spaces of continuous functions, noneuclidian norms, directional and partial derivatives, differential functions, relative extrema, convex and concave functions..
MATH561FUNCTIONAL ANALYSISPROF. DR. HÜSEYİN AKTUĞLUMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEMetric spaces, Norm Spaces, Banach spaces, Dual space, Inner product spaces and Hilbert spaces, Completeness, Separability, Compactness. Linear operators and functionals, Riesz representation theorem. Hahn-Banach Theorem. Bounded Linear Operators, Adjoint operators, Uniform Boundedness Theorem, Strong and weak convergences, Open Mapping Theorem, Closed Linear Operators, Closed Graph Theorem.
MATH598SEMINARMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEGuides students in their research and assist them in writing their thesis. During the course, participants will have the chance to examine authentic academic texts, and analyse such elements as structure and style, especially in theses and dissertations to help them develop their academic writing skills. In addition, during the seminar presentations, student will also present their research findings and discuss those with other students and professors who are specialized in issues related to Computer Science.
MATH600PH.D. THESISMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCESupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
MATH653KOROVKIN TYPE APPROXIMATION THEORYPROF. DR. MEHMET ALİ ÖZARSLANMATHEMATICSKorovkin's theorems on bounded and unbounded domains, Rates of convergence in terms of of modulus of continuity and weighted modulus
MATH698SEMINARMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEGuides students in their research and assist them in writing their thesis. During the course, participants will have the chance to examine authentic academic texts, and analyse such elements as structure and style, especially in theses and dissertations to help them develop their academic writing skills. In addition, during the seminar presentations, student will also present their research findings and discuss those with other students and professors who are specialized in issues related to Mathematics.
MATH699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMMATHEMATICS / APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCEThe PhD qulifying exam aims to examine the students knowledge level on basic subjects and his/her research field.
MCLA501INTRODUCTION TO LAWASSOC. PROF. DR. ARZU ALİBABACOMPARATIVE LAWThe main purpose of this course is to provide students with basic concepts of law and legal order. In this context: Religious rules, rules of manners, moral rules, and legal rules are compared and definitions of law and legal rules are derived. The sources of law are then treated: customary rules, written rules-hierarchy of norms-laws, decrees, regulations, and judicial decisions and doctrine.
MCLA503COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL LAWASSOC. PROF. DR. FRANCESCO BIAGICOMPARATIVE LAWThe main purpose of this course is to examine the constitutionalism and certain fundamental concepts of the constitutional systems. Generally, constitutional law deals with two topics which are the institutional dimension of the governmental systems and the dimension of freedoms and rights. In this course, approaches to general foundation of the Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism theories will be covered. Constituent powers, types of constitutions, altering constitutions, forms of governments such types of subjects will be held during classes of the course. In this direction, comparing constitutions of different governmental systems and from different legal traditions will be scrutinized during the course. Studies on how constitutions regulate significant issues such as judicial review, and freedom and rights; their protections and limitation regimes will be the main parts of the course.
MCLA506RIGHT TO PRIVACYASSOC. PROF. DR. DEMET ÇELİK ULUSOYCOMPARATIVE LAWThe right to privacy states to the concept that one's personal information is protected from others. This course will evaluate the development and present importance of the law associated to the privacy of individuals. It means the right to individual autonomy or the right to choose whether or not to involve in certain actions or have certain practices. The right to privacy most often is protected by constitutions as well as international treaties such as European Convention of Human Rights, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It must be balanced against the government's goods, including the promotion of public safety. ECHR regulates right to respect for private and family life through article 8 which also shapes restrictive reasons on right to privacy. The objective of this course is to examine interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others in front of right to privacy as well. On this context, the course analyzes the idea of evolution of protection of personal information under the law and the protection of the right to privacy and the value of constitution.
MCLA512EU LAWASST. PROF. DR. ULAŞ GÜNDÜZLERCOMPARATIVE LAWThis course aims to focus on the legal issues of European integration. In the first place, the supranational character of European Union, its powers, principles of supremacy/primacy, direct applicability and direct effect, jurisdiction of Court of Justice of the European Union, balance between the EU institutions with respect to legislative procedures will be contemplated. Then the democratic deficit within the European Union and the means to diminish the deficit and to increase the legitimacy of EU will be discussed.
MCLA514HUMAN RIGHTSASSOC. PROF. DR. CATERINA DRIGOCOMPARATIVE LAWThe course of Human Rights is finalized to analyze, in first place, in a historical perspective, theories and models about the protection of fundamental and social rights. Further attention is subsequently devoted to the protection of human rights in international law (with a peculiar reference to ECHR). The course also deals with the evolution of the protection of the human rights in the Italian constitutional experience, with specific reference to rights and liberties guaranteed in the constitutional text and in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and of the Supreme Court of Cassation. The course finally analyses social, cultural, economic rights and constitutional duties. The analysis is conducted through the constant reference to the most meaningful international constitutional jurisprudence.
MCLA517COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAWÖĞR. GÖR. DR. EDA GÜLSÜM KARASAÇ RAMAZANCOMPARATIVE LAWThe main purpose of the course is to provide with a thorough knowledge of the core concepts of Private Law not only from a national perspective but also from the perspective of the harmonization of International Law. The attention focuses on property law, legal obligations, contracts and tort law. The aim of the course is to train students to gradually develop a systematic knowledge of Private Law terminology and logic enabling them to efficiently handle Private Law issues and cases.
MCLA527PRINCIPLES OF EUROPEAN CONTRACT LAWPROF. DR. FABIANA MATTIOLICOMPARATIVE LAWThe course will analyze european legal systems both common law and civil law, as well as the jurisprudential judgments in search of the common principles of contract law in a synchronic and diachronic comparison. The main course's topics are as follows:Private International Law: Preliminary Issues.The Europeanization of Private International Law,Private International Law and Freedoms of the Internal Market,Interaction between choice of law and rules as to jurisdiction,Interpretation of Private International Law rules by the European Court of Justice,Contracts: The Rome I Regulation,Protection of Weak Parties,Electronic Commerce and Private International Law,International Sale: Conflict of Laws and the UN 1980 Vienna Convention,Private International Law and International Commercial Arbitration.

MCLA599TERM PROJECTCOMPARATIVE LAWTerm project is a compulsory non-credit study, which is necessary for graduation from the Program. It is an individual work of a student which should be submitted as a report and defended in front of a jury.
MENG547ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATIONPROF. DR. UĞUR ATİKOLMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGA brief background to energy and environmental problems. Energy audit. Economic analysis and life cycle costing. Energy efficiency in buildings. Utility demand-side management. Energy management system in businesses. Solar energy utilization.
MENG551ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICSPROF. DR. HASAN HACIŞEVKİMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGFundamentals equations, flow kinematics and special forms of governing equations. Two-dimensional potential flow, three-dimensional potential flow. Viscous flow: incompressible flow and compressible flow of fluids.
MENG575ADVANCED BIOMECHANICSASSOC. PROF. DR. BABAK SAFAEIMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGIntroduction to mechanics and biomechanics; Static, Kinematic and Dynamic concepts for analyzing musculoskeletal joint motion; Joint mechanics; Musculoskeletal tissues and tissue modeling; Biomaterials; Joint prosthesis design and analysis; Implant materials and coating; Musculoskeletal and artificial joint contact and tribology; Software for analyzing human body joints.
MENG598SEMINARPROF. DR. QASIM ZEESHANMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGThis course has been designed to teach about thesis writing and presentation. Team work and group studies are performed during the semester about the graduate thesis topics.
MENG698SEMINARMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGThis course is designed for PhD students of Mechanical Engineering Program. Course is simply divided into four main sections as research, writing, contribution to science and presentation.
MENG699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPHD Qualifying Course was designed for PhD students who passes all the required courses successfully. During the adjusted period, PhD students are required to enter number of exams related to their research area to assess their fundamental knowledge. Who passes the written exam is given the opportunity to enter the oral exam and introduce the research proposal and plan. Successfull students in both written and oral exams can continue with thesis writing and to be monitored every following semester.
MGMT500MASTER THESISBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA unique piece of work, which includes evaluation or thorough analysis of a method.
MGMT503MANAGERIAL ECONOMICSPROF. DR. SAMİ FETHİBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe aim of this module is to introduce student to the main principles of managerial economics and their practice. More specifically, managerial economics uses the tools and techniques of economic analysis to analyze and solve managerial problems.
MGMT510MACROECONOMICS FOR MANAGERSPROF. DR. HASAN GÜNGÖRBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONShort-Run fluctuations vs. Long-Run growth of an Economy. Growth Domestic Product. Keynesian consumption and saving functions. Determinants of investment and net exports. Determination of equilibrium level of income in simple Keynesian model and the effects of Fiscal policy and Random shocks on macroeconomic equilibrium based on income-expenditure approach. Injection- Leakages approach to the analysis of equilibrium in simple Keynesian model. IS-LM model of an open economy and the effects of Monetary and Fiscal policy and Random shocks.
MGMT524STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTPROF. DR. TURHAN Ç. KAYMAKBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe target of the course is the analysis that concerns the major aspects of strategic corporate elements. Naturally, the framework of the system is constructed upon the business environment and deals with the internal analysis. The method of strategic choices and optimal corporate decisions are promoted. Additionally, the simulations and dramatized team works are applied to achieve students' perceptions and motives concerning the post business life.
MGMT535ADVANCED ENTREPRENEURSHIPASSOC. PROF. DR. BURAK ERKUTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe advanced entrepreneurship elective course is targeted at those graduate students who aim to launch a new high growth business venture at some point in the future. The course will provide a very personal learning experiences, built around students own business ideas. This course aims to help students develop and systematically apply an entrepreneurial way of thinking that will allow them to create and identify business opportunities that may be commercialized successfully.
MGMT550INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe course introduces international business theories and practices at graduate level. The course covers international business issues like regional and global strategy, the multinational enterprise, international politics and culture as they influence the global business, international trade, foreign direct investments, international financial markets. At the end of the semester the students are expected to enhance the global business system as it evolved in the current history.
MGMT570EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPPROF. DR. A. TARIK TİMURBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
This course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
This course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
This course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
MGMT571ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORASST. PROF. DR. DOĞAN ÜNLÜCANBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe purpose of this course is to study human behavior in organizations at the individual and group levels. Specific attention will be given to using Organizational Behavior concepts for developing and improving interpersonal skills. The course also aims to broaden the student's perceptions on the causes and effects of interpersonal and group behavior, its dynamics and influences, and organizational behavior relating to organizational climates, conflict and structural design.
MGMT580STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSISPROF. DR. MUSTAFA TÜMERBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe course objective is to teach “the methods to be followed after collecting data for a problem to be solved". The main purpose of the course is to provide the prospective manager with an understanding of marketing research findings using - SPSSÓ for Windowsä - one of the best software available for this purpose.
MGMT581INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of human resource management in an international context.
MGMT588RESEARCH METHODS FOR BUSINESS STUDIESASSOC. PROF. DR. BURAK ERKUTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe purpose of this course is to teach students with basic knowledge of statistics to analyze data using a popular statistical software package. Students will gain sufficient acquaintance with SPSS to conduct data analyses, estimate population parameters, fit basic linear models and conduct hypotheses tests on experimental data. Many forms of data management and analyzes including data entry, auditing, imputation, coding, recoding, descriptive analyzes, t-test, ANOVA, regression, correlation, reliability analysis and data transformation will also be covered. By the end of the course, students should be able to conduct an analysis of data generated in a survey or experiment and give a presentation of the results of the analysis.
MGMT598SEMINARASST. PROF. DR. DOĞAN ÜNLÜCANBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe aim of the seminar course is to improve the student's skills in conducting research in an area of interest for the student, preferably a topic related to the thesis work, and reporting the research findings both verbally and in writing.
The aim of the seminar course is to improve the student's skills in conducting research in an area of interest for the student, preferably a topic related to the thesis work, and reporting the research findings both verbally and in writing.
MGMT599TERM PROJECTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA term project is a study that requires the students to demonstrate the ability in applying their knowledge and skills in finding unique, realistic, applicable and innovative solutions to problems in their professional fields.
MGMT600PH.D. THESISBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONIn a PhD thesis, at least one of the following is sought: Introducing an innovation to science, developing a novel scientific method, applying a known method to a new field.
MGMT601RESEARCH METHODS IASSOC. PROF. DR. BURAK ERKUTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe course aims to give the PhD students “the methods to be followed after collecting data for a problem to be solved". The main purpose of the course is to provide the PhD students with an understanding of research findings.
MGMT602RESEARCH METHODS IIPROF. DR. A. TARIK TİMURBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis course aims to extend and deepen the understanding of different research approaches and methodologies in the social sciences and to develop skills for applying different research methods in the broad range of business and management disciplines. This course will prepare students to develop their research proposals and guide them through the process of identifying and formulating research problems, conducting literature review, choosing a theoretical perspective that will inform the methodology, selection of research strategy and design and the application of particular research methods of data gathering and analysis.
This course aims to extend and deepen the understanding of different research approaches and methodologies in the social sciences and to develop skills for applying different research methods in the broad range of business and management disciplines. This course will prepare students to develop their research proposals and guide them through the process of identifying and formulating research problems, conducting literature review, choosing a theoretical perspective that will inform the methodology, selection of research strategy and design and the application of particular research methods of data gathering and analysis.
MGMT650INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe course introduces international business theories and practices at graduate level. The course covers international business issues like regional and global strategy, the multinational enterprise, international politics and culture as they influence the global business, international trade, foreign direct investments, international financial markets. At the end of the semester the students are expected to enhance the global business system as it evolved in the current history.
MGMT670EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPPROF. DR. A. TARIK TİMURBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
This course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
This course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
This course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of industrial relations in global context, with primary emphasis on the union-management relationship.
MGMT671ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORASST. PROF. DR. DOĞAN ÜNLÜCANBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe purpose of this course is to study human behavior in organizations at the individual and group levels. Specific attention will be given to using Organizational Behavior concepts for developing and improving interpersonal skills. The course also aims to broaden the student's perceptions on the causes and effects of interpersonal and group behavior, its dynamics and influences, and organizational behavior relating to organizational climates, conflict and structural design.
MGMT681INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis course provides an introduction to the economic, legal, political and social aspects of human resource management in an international context.
MGMT698SEMINARASSOC. PROF. DR. BURAK ERKUTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe aim of the seminar course is to improve the student's skills in conducting research in an area of interest for the student, preferably a topic related to the thesis work, and reporting the research findings both verbally and in writing.
MGMT699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMASSOC. PROF. DR. BURAK ERKUTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONAfter the successful completion of the seminar and courses, the PhD qualifying exam measures the students' breadth of knowledge as well as the depth of their understanding in their field and their research capabilities in their PhD studies.
MRKT500MASTER THESISBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA unique piece of work, which includes evaluation or thorough analysis of a method.
MRKT501MARKETING MANAGEMENTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONTo further disseminate and develop the knowledge and skills in the essential aspects of marketing management, marketing strategy, and emerging New Economy marketing applications, with a focus on the development and execution of programs, audits, and plans. This course is concerned with the development, evaluation, and implementation of marketing management in complex environments. The course deals primarily with an in-depth analysis of a variety of concepts, theories, facts, analytical procedures, techniques, and models.
MRKT502INTERNATIONAL MARKETINGBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThis course will be dealing; how to find new markets, to replace saturated markets; how to customize products for the demands of new markets; which products world customers want; how to best reach the customers; what pricing strategies are most appropriate; what distribution channels are adequate to serve the world customers; how to overcome barriers that hinder implementation of marketing programs.
MRKT506ADAVANCED MARKETING RESEARCHBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe course is aimed at providing the graduate students with an understanding of marketing research. The course objective is to teach “information gathering activity" that is intended to guide strategic or operational marketing decisions about target markets, competitive strategies, product, price, place (distribution) or promotion. Another objective of this course is to discuss the nature and scope of marketing research and explain its role in decision support systems. The students will understand the nature and scope of marketing research and its role in designing and implementing successful marketing programs.
MRKT598SEMINARASST. PROF. DR. DOĞAN ÜNLÜCANBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe aim of the seminar course is to improve the student's skills in conducting research in an area of interest for the student, preferably a topic related to the thesis work, and reporting the research findings both verbally and in writing.
MRKT599TERM PROJECTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA term project is a study that requires the students to demonstrate the ability in applying their knowledge and skills in finding unique, realistic, applicable and innovative solutions to problems in their professional fields
MUHA513MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGASSOC. PROF. DR. HASAN ÖZYAPICIBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONUnderstanding cost accounting fundamentals. Use of financial and non-financial information for managerial decision-making. That is, use of cost accounting information for cost management, performance measurement, cost control, relevant decision making in an attempt maximize the customer value with the possible lowest cost.
MUZK500MASTER THESISMUSIC TEACHINGStudent must submit a thesis on results of their investigation of a problem may be one of limited scope. The thesis must Show a significant style, organization and depth of understanding of the subject. Students are responsible for preparing the thesis (normal length 90-15* pages) in the proper form and submit it on time.
MUZK501MAJOR ARTS EDUCATION 1PROF. S. ÇETİN AYDAR, ASSOC. PROF. DR. BAŞAK GORGORETTİ, ASST. PROF. DR. ALEV MÜEZZİNOĞLU, ASST. PROF. DR. ATAKAN SARI, ÖĞR. GÖR. DİLŞAD ASADOVA, ÖĞR. GÖR. DESTİNE TALUMUSIC TEACHINGIn this course, in addition to studies that develop advanced technical skills and works from different periods, it is aimed to convey the learning-teaching principles and techniques specific to major arts education. The student, whose technical level is increased with different etudes, will also gain information on how to study and practice etudes and works, while developing technically and musically with advanced instructive works selected from the literature.
MUZK503CREATIVE TRENDS IN MUSIC EDUCATION AND MUSIC TEACHING METHODSASST. PROF. DR. ALEV MÜZZİNOĞLUMUSIC TEACHINGForming as one part of the course, “Music teaching methods", involve, applying the concepts, principles and methods related to education and teaching, organizing in-class individual and collective music studies, planning, applying and criticizing primary and secondary school music lessons, examining primary and secondary school music lesson curricula, yearly, daily plans for music teaching , preparing semester, unit plans, examining primary and secondary school music textbooks, planned music lesson processing and application examples, individual and collective studies, listening-watching-criticizing music studies and activities, measurement and evaluation in music education.
Music teaching methods include many teaching methods such as Suzuki, Dalcroze, Kodaly, Orff, Letters, Colors, Interval, Graphic notation, Syllables and numbers teaching. The aim of the creative music teaching methods course is to understand and apply the principles of music based on music teaching methods in the literature, to carry out studies and lessons, and to reveal new creative lesson plans related to the subject. Music teachers can give music education by applying to different sources. The ability of new music teachers such as being more creative, innovative and stylistic will contribute to music education. It is important that they create and apply these resources with new knowledge and methods. In creative music lessons, not only the teacher but also the student is supported to be creative. Within the scope of this course, music teaching methods, preparing materials, lesson plans and units related to the learned methods, lesson applications and adaptation to music lessons in schools will be included.

MUZK504MAJOR ARTS EDUCATION 2PROF. S. ÇETİN AYDAR, ASSOC. PROF. DR. BAŞAK GORGORETTİ, ASST. PROF. DR. ALEV MÜEZZİNOĞLU, ASST. PROF. DR. ATAKAN SARI, ÖĞR. GÖR. DİLŞAD ASADOVA, ÖĞR. GÖR. DESTİNE TALUMUSIC TEACHINGIn this course, it is aimed to increase the performance skills in technical and musical dimensions, to gain the experience of playing and singing in concerts and other events, to improve the ability to interpret and to play and sing with accompaniment, and to convey the methods and approaches of instrument and voice training. Gaining teaching techniques such as analyzing the etude and piece with its technical, musical and form dimensions, and writing exercises that improve the study and piece are other aspects aimed at teaching the instrument.
MUZK505RESEARCH METHODS IN MUSIC EDUCATIONASSOC. PROF. DR. BAŞAK GORGORETTİMUSIC TEACHINGMusic is an art, science and education branch. Scientific information in music education is obtained by using scientific methods. Researches are carried out using scientific research methods and scientific information is presented in many different fields of study, from the problems experienced in educational environments to the examination of students' learning experiences, from measurement and evaluation activities to the approaches to be used in education, from the effectiveness of technology-supported education to teacher education.
This course will introduce students to various research approaches and methods used in music education studies. Within the scope of the course, students will focus on quantitative, qualitative and mixed research approaches, besides the data collection methods they can use while conducting research specific to the field of music, reporting will also be discussed. In this context, the articles published on music education will be focused on, and the methods to be discussed will be examined by adapting them to the field of music.
MUZK507MUSIC CURRICULUM DESIGN AND MATERIAL PREPARATIONASST. PROF. DR. ALEV MÜEZZİNOĞLUMUSIC TEACHINGFormal music lessons in schools begin from the pre-school period. Music teaching in primary education covers the musical communication between the student and the teacher and the processes and tools in which this communication takes place. For this reason, it is of great importance for music education that music teachers direct students' relationship with music. Teaching materials should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the teaching environment according to the music teaching programs. At the end of this course, students will have information about the music curriculum and the principles of material design and preparation in music education, sample music teaching materials, music materials that the music teachers can produce themselves, and will prepare new music teaching materials. Designing annual, daily, and semester programs for individual and collective studies, musical activities, practice examples and preparing a textbook are the other aims of this course.
MUZK508BEGINNING TECHNIQUES IN VIOLIN AND VIOLA EDUCATIONPROF. S. ÇETİN AYDARMUSIC TEACHINGViolin and viola are instruments that show similar characteristics in terms of beginning stages. As in every instrument, a healthy technique in violin and viola instruments is possible by making the beginning of instrument education well and correctly and laying the foundation. With this course, a music teacher should give a healthy start in violin and viola lessons, which are thought to be given in his professional life, the methods that should be applied in teaching basic techniques, in which order, how and by paying attention to the bow and left-hand techniques, a student's ability, physical features, detection speed skills are covered.
MUZK509CHAMBER MUSICPROF. S. ÇETİN AYDAR MUSIC TEACHINGThe main objectives of this course are to gain the technical capacity, physical and mental reflexes necessary to make music together on works selected from the chamber music repertoire, and to gain an integrated listening and playing habit in a common interpretation aesthetics.
MUZK512AUXILIARY PIANO TRAININGASST. PROF. DR. ATAKAN SARIMUSIC TEACHINGThis course is aimed at improving the piano playing skills of students who play a string or wind instrument and/or take vocal training. The aim of this course is to develop students' ability to play choral accompaniments, piano parties in simple chamber music works, accompaniments to songs in educational music literature, accompaniments solfege and harmony lessons besides to improve the skill of playing and singing together.
MUZK598SEMINARMUSIC TEACHINGIn seminar course, students are guided regarding the thesis writing and research methods.
OOEG500MASTER THESISEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONWriting and presenting a thesis about the field of early childhood , preparing measuring tool, collecting data , analyzing , writing a findings, comments and recommendation , completing thesis.
OOEG502APPROACHES FOR MONITORING AND EVALUATION IN EARLY CHILDHOODASSOC. PROF. DR. NİHAN KORANEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONThe importance of recognizing the child in Early Childhood, the characteristics of recognition and evaluation methods that are used commonly during this period, recognize the use of position in teaching process and different characteristics of measuring materials. Make the comparison of developmental norms in recognition of children from different cultures.
OOEG505FAMILY COUNSELING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD PROF. DR. AYŞE IŞIK GÜRŞİMŞEKEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONFamily education as an alternative approach, the strategies of working with family , parental participation programs and guidance services in the Early Childhood Education program.
OOEG506CREATIVE AND ESTHC. IN EARLY CHILDHOODASSOC. PROF. DR. EDA YAZGINEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONThe definition and the importance of the creativity, development of creative thinking skills and aesthetic perception in different age groups, theories and styles in order to develop creativity and aesthetic in early childhood, supporting the children in creative thinking and development of aesthetic perception with different activities.
OOEG598SEMINAREARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONSelect a seminar topic which is about early childhood, write a literature review, present and report the study.
PHAR611BASIC STATISTICAL METHODS IN PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONSYRD. DOÇ DR. CANAN GÜLCANPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESThe course addresses the effective use of statistics and gives an overview of the key aspects of statistical tests. It aims to apply fundamental statistical tests to common issues in pharmaceutical sciences. To clarify statistical concepts, practical scenarios from scientific research will be presented. An overview of the fundamental components involved with statistical tests and their practical application is provided, with an emphasis on the proper use of statistics and the interpretation of outcomes. Throughout the program, this course aims to apply a range of statistical methods and tests, e.g., reliability and validity of the data, t-test, ANOVA, Chi Square, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, Fisher Exact Tests, analysis of variance and post- hoc procedures, chi square and related tests, correlation, linear regression, logistic regression, nonparametric tests, outlier tests, etc., to common issues in pharmaceutical sciences, with many examples using the IBM SPSS program. Each session of lecture will have a unique set of learning goals, such as identifying statistical concepts often used in the literature, presenting descriptive statistics using a variety of numerical approaches; describing the techniques for hypothesis testing, significance testing, and sampling; utilizing IBM SPSS to analyze pharmaceutical data; and interpreting statistical output generated by software findings to assess the relative value of those outcomes.
PHAR644SYNTHESIS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS AND SEMI-SYNTHESISASST. PROF. DR. AYBİKE YEKTAOĞLUPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESCompound collection synthesis for chemical biology, target identification and validation, Ligand binding, modulation of protein-protein interactions, targeted protein biosynthesis and degradation, DNA binding with small molecules.
PHAR645SYNTHETIC STRATEGYPROF. DR. OKAN SİRKECİOĞLUPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESBasic definitions, retrosynthetic analysis, disconnections, protection and deprotection, functional groups, functional group interconversions, stereochemical strategies, Diels-Alder reaction, important named reactions, total synthesis of representative organic molecules.
PHAR658PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGYYRD. DOÇ DR. TUĞBA ERÇETİNPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESBasic information about plant tissue culture and plant molecular biology, culture types and application purposes. Cell culture techniques; callus and suspension cultures, in-vitro regeneration, micropropagation, bioreactors. Production of medicinal plants and active ingredients with plant biotechnology. Importance of biotechnological tools to select, multiply and conserve the critical genotypes of endemic and medicinal plants. Secondary metabolite production using with plant tissue culture methods. Genetic transformation technology and production of transgenic plants.
PHAR660 SECONDARY METABOLITES YRD. DOÇ DR. TUĞBA ERÇETİNPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESSeconder metabolites and their properties. The products of primary and secondary metabolism. A historical perspective of production of plant secondary metabolites.Secondary metabolite production using with plant tissue culture methods. plant genetic material in the isolation and cloning of gene transfer and applications, the application of molecular techniques for the synthesis of secondary metabolites.
PHAR677BASIC PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONSPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESThis course provides a comprehensive overview of pharmaceutical research methodologies, offering diverse perspectives on advanced techniques and approaches used in the field. It also emphasizes ethical principles essential for responsible scientific investigations in pharmaceutical science. The course covers key ethical frameworks, standards of conduct, and the importance of ethical decision-making in research
PHAR679MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS ASSOC. PROF. DR. MÜMTAZ GÜRANPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESVirulence factors, adhesins, invasins, bacterial toxins, bacterial pathogenesis mechanisms, viral pathogenesis mechanisms, immunopathology, biofilms, phenotypic tests for detection of virulence markers, molecular methods for detection of virulence determinants, methods for detection of anti-virulence activity of natural products.
PHYS511MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS IPROF. DR. S. HABIB MAZHARIMOUSAVIPHYSICSA Review of Vector Analysis, Coordinate Systems and Tensor Analysis, Functions of a Complex Variable, Differential Equations (Series Solutions), Gamma and Beta Functions, Bessel's Functions, Legendre Functions, Fourier Series, Integral Transforms.
PHYS522ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY IPROF. DR. MUSTAFA HALİLSOYPHYSICSIntroduction to electrostatics. Coulomb's Law as a Maxwell equation.
Curl, Divergence, Laplace equation in Cartesian, Spherical and Cylindrical coordinates. Dirac delta function as a distribution in physics. Green's and Gauss's Divergence Theorems. Charge distributions and their associated potentials and Electric fields. Boundary value problems of electrostatics with applications to planar, rectangular, spherical and cylindrical problems. Legendre, Bessel functions and the idea of Green's functions in electrostatics. Boundary value problems with dielectrics. Static Magnetic problem of a current.
PHYS533INTRODUCTION TO LIQUID CRYSTAL PHYSICSASST. PROF. DR. MEHMET OKCANPHYSICSThe main objective of this course is to provide the specialization in the following subjects: Phases of Matter and Liquid Crystal (LC) State, Thermotropic LC. Lyotropic LC, Structures and Classification of LC Mesophases, Textures and Texture Properties in LC, Experimental Phase Diagrams of LC, Factors Effective on the Structure of LC, the Orientational Properties of LC, LC Physical Properties, Experimental Determination of LC Physical Properties.
PHYS551QUANTUM MECHANICS ASST. PROF. DR. MUSTAFA RIZAPHYSICSQuantum mechanical concepts.Basic postulates of quantum mechanics.Angular momentum and radial symmetric Schrödinger equation/Spherical Harmonics.Motion of quantum particles in central Fields/ Schrödinger equation.Approximation Methods/Perturbation-theories.Recent methodical developments (e.g., Pseudo-Perturbative Shifted Large-ℓ expansion
methodical proposal, Point Canonical Transformation Approach, PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics/1D, etc).Scattering/Collision theory
PHYS604SPECIAL TOPICS IN GENERAL RELATIVITY IIPHYSICSScalar fields in plane symmetric spacetimes. The interactions between scalar, electromagnetic, gravitational and neutrino fields. Scalar fields in charged spherical black holes. The effect on the development of singularities. The analysis of the type of singularities. To understand the inner structure of black holes in more detail
PHYS621CLASICCAL MECHANICS IIPHYSICSHamilton-jacobi description of motions. Variational principles of mechanics. Noether's theorem and conserved quantities in mechanics. Continuum mechanics and field theory.
PHYS652QUANTUM MECHANICS IIPROF. DR. OMAR MUSTAFAPHYSICSCollision theory, scattering cross-section, optical theorem, Born approximation, resonances, S-matrix, Relativistic quantum mechanics, Klein-Gordon equation, spinors, Dirac equation, relativistic invariance, Introduction to second quantization.
PSYC500MASTER THESISGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThis course aims to prepare a thesis at postgraduate level.
PSYC510ADVANCED STATISTICSPROF. DR. ŞENEL HÜSNÜ RAMAN GENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThe purpose of this course is to introduce students to the scientific method as it is used in psychology. The course is designed to develop students understanding of the statistical theory underpinning many statistical methods used in Psychology. Students will be introduced to advanced inferential statistical procedures.
PSYC526CURRENT ISSUES IN BULLYINGPROF. DR. FATİH BAYRAKTARGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThis course is designed to cover the contemporary issues in bullying literature. Bullying will be examined by using the biopsychosocial viewpoint and holistic-contextual approaches (ex: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory). Moreover, bullying will be presented not only as an anti-social behavior but an adaptive one. This discussion will be based on evolutionary psychology. Recent forms of bullying (i.e. cyberbullying) will be studied. Prevention and intervention programs which have been designed to minimize the problem will be evaluated and criticized.
PSYC578Memory and The SelfASST. PROF. DR. BURCU KAYA KIZILÖZGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThe aim of this course is to provide a deep understanding of the relationship between the self and autobiographical
memory. To get a solid understanding, the formation and characteristics of autobiographical memories, memory across the
lifespan and its links to identity, the role of forgetting and memory distortion in self-construal, adaptive and future-oriented
functions of memory, the social aspects of autobiographical memory, and collective identity will be discussed
PSYC598SEMINARPROF. DR. ŞENEL HÜSNÜ RAMAN GENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThe purpose of this course is to help developing students' presentation skills and conduct scientific research based on ethical considerations.
PSYC600PH.D. THESISGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThis course aims to prepare a Ph.D. dissertation. In a Ph.D.dissertation the main aim is to develop an innovative research idea in one of the sub-areas of Psychology and execute the steps necessary to bring the idea to fruition whereby the research will be defended in front of a five member jury and published in a journal based on the Web of Science.
PSYC676CURRENT ISSUES IN MEMORYASST. PROF. DR. BURCU KAYA KIZILÖZGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThe aim of this course is to provide a detailed overview of current research issues and theory in various areas of human memory and the methods by which human memory is explored in contemporary experimental psychology
PSYC698SEMINARGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThis course will aim to prepare the students to write research papers and their dissertation. The course will focus on the discussions on recent theories and studies in the field of Psychology. Students will analyze the publications and will present the results of their advanced level research findings. Additionally, they will participate in guest lecturer's presentations.
PSYC699PH.D. QUALIFYING EXAMGENERAL PSYCHOLOGYThis course aims to prepare a Ph.D. dissertation. In a Ph.D.dissertation the main aim is to develop an innovative research idea in one of the sub-areas of Psychology and execute the steps necessary to bring the idea to fruition whereby the research will be defended in front of a five member jury and published in a journal based on the Web of Science.

RPDA500MASTER THESISPSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE Master's thesis includes a student's independent study to be conducted individually under the supervision of a faculty member after completion of theoretical and practical courses. Therefore, during thesis writing, the student conducts literature review, data collection and analysis, evaluation of the results and presents the written document of these under the supervision of a faculty member.
RPDA502PRACTICE IN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELINGPROF. DR. SİBEL DİNÇYÜREKPSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE Holding minimum 25 individual counseling sessions by using major counseling skills and techniques under supervision
RPDA510PRACTICE IN GROUP COUNSELING ASSOC. PROF. DR. SERTAN KAĞANPSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE In this lesson, students will guide eight group sessions (small educational or personal development groups).
RPDA598PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE SEMINARPSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE Selecting, researching and examining a psychological counseling and guidance related topic, discussing the topic and research results in groups, gathering information related to latest developments in the field, documentation of the research topic in written report form.
RTVF502DIGITAL VIDEO: PRE-PRODUCTION PLANNING, RESEARCH AND PRODUCTIONASST. PROF. DR. YETİN ARSLANDIGITAL AND MEDIA STUDIESEssential to the successful production of any digital story is the preproduction planning that proceeds the actual production process. This course prepares participants for the actual production of their creative work by emphasizing the key preproduction tasks: From field research, observing and interviewing to working on the screenplay to the preparation of the script through to the casting, rehearsals, preparation of crew and talent to the preproduction summaries. Participants in the course work through the challenges of preproduction of a scenario of their choice that can later be brought to fruition in the production process. Through readings, workshops, discussions, screenings and hands-on practical applications of digital technologies, course participants develop their awareness of and competencies in digital media production processes.
RTVF508DIGITAL STORYTELLINGASST. PROF. DR. PEMBE BEHÇETOĞULLARIDIGITAL AND MEDIA STUDIESThe Art of Digital storytelling is a digital video production workshop where participants explore the uses of digital media to create stories that connect sound and visual imagary to encourage us to see aspects of the world from interesting, creative and critical points of view: to encourage us to see the world in new ways. The course takes the approach of the “Story Circle" with an emphasis on how to construct a story through a process of reflexivity. The course raises questions concerning voice, imagination, the story structure, who is telling the story, in what contexts, and with which audience in mind. While the emphasis is on shared story construction, criticism and feedback, participants are also encouraged to experiment with ways in which to bring the idea into the ultimate video form.
RTVF518SPECIAL TOPICS IN ADVANCED DIGITAL MEDIADIGITAL AND MEDIA STUDIESThis is an advanced creative production course in digital media. Course participants explore the techniques and practices of digital media production across a wide array of genres including among others, documentary, staged interviews, news reporting, commercials and ethnographic uses of film. Topics include advanced storytelling, composition, script writing, and storyboarding. Participants move from pre- through post-production processes including experimentation with advanced editing techniques. Special emphasis will be given to creating team-based projects.
RTVF520DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: THE POLITICS OF THE IMAGEDIGITAL AND MEDIA STUDIESThe course is designed to introduce participants to the documentary and landscape genres through an in-depth introduction to the field of Digital Photography. Course participants will consider issues ranging from documentary to photojournalism and consider the techniques and practices necessary to achieve desired results. The emphasis here is on the combined use of text, image and sound in the production of photographic documentary, installations and professional showcasing.
RTVF599TERM PROJECTDIGITAL AND MEDIA STUDIESStudents will be required to produce a creative digital project of a professional quality that can be shared through new social networks and to write a significant paper that discusses in depth the process and product of their creative endeavor. The program may take the form of documentary, film, ethnography, newscast, digital story, oral history, life story, photography, or other productions that can be shared through social media networks.
SPRB502RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND PUBLICATION ETHICS IN SPORT SCIENCESPROF. DR. MİTAT KOZEXERCISE AND SPORTS SCIENCESThe aim of this course is to develop a research systematic and scientific approach in sports sciences, to gain knowledge about research methods and techniques, to gain the ability to use, apply and interpret the results. It is also aimed to examine the issues related to publication ethics in sports sciences.
SPRB504SPORTS PERFORMANCE TESTING AND ASSESSMENTPROF. DR. MİTAT KOZ, PROF. DR. ALİ KIZILET, ASSOC. PROF. DR. BERKİYE KIRMIZIGİLEXERCISE AND SPORTS SCIENCESThe aim of this course is to teach students the tests and applications used in the sports physiology laboratory.
SPRB508CURRENT APPROACHES IN FITNESS APPLICATIONSASST. PROF. DR. JEFFRY CHAUCHATEXERCISE AND SPORTS SCIENCESThe aim of this course is to teach and develop scientific evidence-based methods and techniques for special physical activities in order to protect public health, to make them comprehend the requirements of effective and safe physical activity for all segments of the society, and to create sensitive health professionals.
SPRB511CURRENT APPROACHES IN SPORTS MANAGEMENTASST. PROF. DR. UMUT NALBANTEXERCISE AND SPORTS SCIENCESThe aim of this course is to provide students with the information they will need about current management approaches in sports organizations.
TOCE598SEMINARGENDER STUDIESThis course is designed to help students developing the academic research and writing skills they will need to complete the thesis and other requirements for the MA degree. The course focuses on technical writing skills including organization of arguments, critical reading, quoting sources and avoiding plagiarism. This course also provides an introduction to Women's Studies as a professional/academic field of study and an orientation to the Center's graduate program, facilities, resources, and the faculty. The course will introduce skills necessary for analyzing and comparing graduate level readings, techniques of group discussion, basic theoretical terminology and key issues and intellectual debates that characterize contemporary feminist discourse, epistemology, and pedagogy. Readings, discussion, activities, and papers will help students understanding the nature of graduate study and clarify their academic goals. The course will also focuses on developing thesis topics, researching for theoretical and contextual ground and writing a literature review, giving peer feedback.
TOUR501ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTASST. PROF. DR. ALİ ÖZDURANTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe purpose of this course is to study human behaviour in service industries; especially in hospitality organizations, at the individual and group levels. Specific attention will be given to using Organizational Behavior concepts for developing and improving interpersonal skills. The course also aims to broaden the student's perceptions on the causes and effects of interpersonal and group behavior, its dynamics and influences, and organizational behavior relating to organizational climates, conflict and structural design.
TOUR502STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYPROF. DR. OSMAN M. KARATEPETOURISM MANAGEMENTThis is a challenging course that focuses on how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies. This course aims to make students use all the knowledge obtained from past courses (e.g., tourism and hospitality operations, marketing management, organizational behavior, and financial management), coupled with new strategic management techniques learned, for charting the future direction of service organizations. Thus, students are expected to discuss a number of case studies and come up with suggestions for business practice.
TOUR503MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASSOC. PROF. DR. MİNE HAKTANIRTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course focuses on the use of financial information for managerial decision making in the international hotel and tourism industry. This course develops the students' ability to use accounting techniques as an aid to planning and controlling operations as well as giving an understanding of company accounting/reporting process. At the end of this course the students will be able to measure business performance through use of strategic performance measurement techniques, prepare profit planning frameworks, understand and set business budgets, and use contemporary pricing issues in making decisions
TOUR505TOURISM PLANNING AND POLICY DEVELOPINGASST. PROF. DR. M. HAMED REZAPOURAGHDAMTOURISM MANAGEMENTTourism Policy and Panning aims to achieve an understanding of tourism development through providing knowledge about planning techniques and principles of policy making processes. The main emphasis is on tourism development and issues specific to tourism industry. Although 'planning' has been employed to overcome numerous difficulties in major urban areas, it has also applied to regional development projects at both macro and micro levels. with the complex economic and environmental discourse as well as the 'sustainability' platform; planning can provide means and processes to reconcile the contradictions and conflicts that are challenging in the new millenium.
TOUR512SERVICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM INDUSTRYASST. PROF. DR. TUNA KARATEPETOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course teaches the concept of treating customers as guests and creating a "WOW" experience for them. It fully covers the topic of managing hospitality organizations by using academic studies relative academic articles and real life experience
TOUR515RESEARCH METHODSASST. PROF. DR. İLKAY YORGANCITOURISM MANAGEMENTApproaches to tourism and hospitality research, research plans and proposals, research methods, qualitative methods, questionnaire surveys and design, research practice and survey analysis.
TOUR523ADVANCED FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENTASST. PROF. DR. M. GÜVEN ARDAHANTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of the course is to provide students with specialized and advanced theory on modern Food and Beverage Management. It aims to show how the new strategic systems approach can be used in the management of an enterprise in foodservice. Furthermore, it will increase the students' awareness of the critical factors, which, if managed properly, can help to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Students will also be encouraged to develop a range of core (or transferable) skills, including communication - orally and in writing, problem - solving, interpersonal, learning to learn (use of resources) and working in groups.
TOUR526REVENUE MANAGMENET IN HOSPITALITYUZM. OĞUZ TUNÇBİLEKTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course is designed to provide conceptual and practical knowledge regarding hospitality revenue management. Specifically, our focus will be on the lodging industry and we will examine the tools and techniques hospitality professionals employ to optimize their revenue generation.
TOUR539INTERNATIONAL TOURISIM MOVEMNETSTOURISM MANAGEMENTIn this international tourism depand and economic, political, social, socio-demographic and psychological factors and trends affecting international tourism will be identified. General outlook of international tourism movements, new trends in world tourism, international tourism at regional level, europe, america, asia-pacific torism, middle east, africa and asian tourism will be anaylzed. Especially, analysis of the countries in mediterranean region will be discussed with real life scenarios and case studies also competitive advantages of Turkey and North Cyprus will be discuessed.
TOUR540ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BRANDING IN TOURISM INDUSTRYTOURISM MANAGEMENTEntrepreneurship and branding in tourism industry is a course that emphasize how to craft and continually adapt go-to-market strategies for new ventures, products, and services. Developing a proven toolkit for identifying, capturing, and influencing customers and learn how to create a viable, scalable business using limited resources, whether an entrepreneur, intrapreneur, or small- to medium-sized business owner. Main strategic perssepectives are underlined in tourism industry and explain how to formulate a customer value proposition, key elements in a startup business model in tourism and analyzing product-market fit etc.
TOUR598 SEMINERTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of the seminar course is to develop students' research capacity and guide them to prepare a draft research proposal. The students will gain presentation and communication skills, and competencies of working autonomously and with group, and learning effective writing of a research proposal.
TOUR601QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODSPROF. DR. OSMAN M. KARATEPETOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course is designed to provide students with an understanding of research process and issues pertaining to research design. This course also aims to provide students with an understanding of statistical techniques (e.g., exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, regression analysis, and path analysis) used for testing the psychometric properties of measures and assessing relationships in the conceptual or research models.
TOUR602QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODSASST. PROF. DR. İLKAY YORGANCITOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course will introduce participants to the characteristics and various approaches to designing and conducting qualitative research projects in tourism and hospitality services research. Students will gain hands-on experience in various qualitative methods and analysis techniques while carrying out a research project related to their area of interest.
TOUR603CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCHPROF. DR. ALİ ÖZTÜRENTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course is designed to provide students with an understanding of a wide range of contemporary topics via an extensive reading of peer-reviewed articles in tourism and hospitality research. Topics may emerge from destination management and marketing, policy planning, competitiveness, services management and marketing, financial management, human resource management, organizational behavior, and strategic management. This course also helps students find out specific research topics for their theses.
TOUR605INFLUENCES AND ISSUES IN TOURISMPROF. DR. ALİ ÖZTÜRENTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course will describe and analyze influences and issues relating to economic, social, political and physical environments within which the international tourism industry operates.
TOUR608CASE STUDIES IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASSOC. PROF. DR. MİNE HAKTANIRTOURISM MANAGEMENTThrough the use of case studies, the course aims to equip students with theoretical and practical issues of hospitality management. They will develop their analytical skills while expanding their flexibility of thinking and their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. In essence, the course is designed to broaden methodological knowledge and abilities of students in qualitative research through analyzing various real life situations in case studies.
TOUR611COMPETITIVE STRATEGY IN THE SERVICE INDUSTRYPROF. DR. HASAN KILIÇTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe course concerns a growing body of theoretical and empirical research, which attempts to bridge the gap between external and internal perspectives of strategic management.
TOUR620CORPORATE SOCIAL RES. AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN TOURISMASST. PROF. DR. M. HAMED REZAPOURAGHDAMTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course covers the development of the concept and the meaning of the term corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable business

(SB). This course summarizes the latest thinking of the strategic significance of CSR and SB, and how CSR and SB go to the heart of the way in

which businesses make decisions and conduct their activities. The course will enable students to understand the role of business in the context of

the wider society and the current challenges that businesses face. The course can be described as an integration of sustainable business strategies

examining corporate perspectives on environmental and social issues, and the implications on stakeholder management strategies. Students will

apply concepts of sustainable development in analyzing successful and flawed organizational strategies drawn from current business literature.

Sustainable business development and sustainable development are inseparable. Using a case study approach, this course will examine wide-

ranging issues regarding businesses and sustainability. The course will examine corporate environmental and social challenges during a time of

increased stakeholder engagement with environmental issues. Students will apply concepts of sustainable business development through the

analysis of sustainable and unsustainable organizational strategies drawn from current business literature.
TOUR630TOURISM AND CLIMATE CHANGETOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course delineates the complicated interconnections between climate change and the various elements of the international tourism system. Specifically, the course will discuss how the industry can harmonize the inherent travel intentions of the customers with the imperative of mitigating our global carbon footprint.
TOUR698 SEMINERTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of the seminar course is to develop students' research capacity and guide them to prepare a draft research proposal. The students will gain presentation and communication skills, and competencies of working autonomously and with group, and learning effective writing of a research proposal.
TREG505COMPARISON OF TURKISH LANGUAGE WITH FOREIGN LANGUAGESPROF. DR. VUGAR SULTANZADETURKISH LANGUAGE TEACHING TO FOREIGNERSTypical Phonological Features Of Turkish, Typical Morphological Features Of Turkish, Typical Morphophonological Features Of Turkish, And Typical Syntactic Features Of Turkish
TUIS501STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASST. PROF. DR. ALİ ÖZDURANTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course teaches students how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies. This course aims to make students use all the knowledge obtained from past courses (e.g., tourism and hospitality operations, marketing management, organizational behavior, and financial management), coupled with new strategic management techniques learned, for charting the future direction of service organizations. Thus, students are expected to discuss a number of case studies and come up with suggestions for business practice.
TUIS502RESEARCH METHODSASST. PROF. DR. RÜÇHAN KAYAMANTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe purpose of this course is to teach students how to approach tourism and hospitality research, research plans and proposals, qualitative and quantitative research methods, survey design, research practice and survey analysis.
TUIS503MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASST. PROF. DR. CAHİT EZELTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course focuses on the use of financial information for managerial decision making in the international hotel and tourism industry. This course develops the students' ability to use accounting techniques as an aid to planning and controlling operations as well as giving an understanding of company accounting/reporting process. At the end of this course the students will be able to measure business performance through use of strategic performance measurement techniques, prepare profit planning frameworks, understand and set business budgets, and use contemporary pricing issues in making decisions
TUIS512MARKETING MANAGEMENT FOR TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASST. PROF. DR. RÜÇHAN KAYAMANTOURISM MANAGEMENTThis course intends to provide students with detailed information about the marketing environment, components of the marketing mix, market segmentation, and planning. This course is concerned with the development, evaluation, and implementation of marketing management in the tourism and hospitality industry. The course also deals primarily with an in-depth analysis of a variety of concepts, theories, facts, analytical procedures, techniques, and models.
TUIS518QUALITY SYSTEMS IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYASST. PROF. DR. TUNA KARATEPETOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of this course is to examine human behavior in service sectors. Particular attention will be paid to the use of organizational behavior concepts for the development and development of individual and group personality skills. The course also aims to broaden students' perceptions of the causes and effects of inter-personal and group behavior, their dynamics and impacts, and organizational behavior, organizational behavior related to conflict and structural design.
TUIS522CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITYASST. PROF. DR. RÜÇHAN KAYAMANTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of this course is to identify and analyze some of the key contemporary issues that are pertinent to the tourism sector. The course content will focus on those issues that are deemed the most significant for these sectors at the time of teaching. It highlights the ongoing threats and opportunities faced by the tourism industry today, and discusses include to global trends, major government agendas, policy shifts, or changing management strategies.
TUIS523SPECIAL INTEREST TOURISMASST. PROF. DR. ÖZLEM ALTUNTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of the course is to develop students' perspectives on tourism by explaining the importance of special
interest to students in tourism activities. Analyzing and analyzing the researches made in this field is also to
contribute to the emergence of new studies in the light of the studies.
TUIS524TOURISM INVESTEMENT PROJECTS ANALYSISASST. PROF. DR. ÖZLEM ALTUNTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of this course is to teach the students the criteria to be taken into consideration in the execution of feasibility studies according to
sector priorities and to give practical information on financing options.
Concept of Tourism İnvestment and Project, Types and Characteristics / Incentives Implemented / Economic and Financial Development
of Project / Analysis of Economic Availability of Tourism İnvestment Projects / Sample Project Study
TUIS598SEMINARTOURISM MANAGEMENTThe aim of the seminar course is to develop students' research capacity and guide them to prepare a draft research proposal. The students will gain presentation and communication skills, and competencies of working autonomously and with group, and learning effective writing of a research proposal.
TURK500MASTER THESISTURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREDirected and surveyed by the advisor, the student is asked to do a scientific study using methods of research and study on a subject related to his/her field of study in Turkish Language and Literature.
TURK501RESEARCH METHODSPROF. DR. ADNAN AKGÜNTURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREThe aims of this course are three fold. Firstly, research methods and techniques in social sciences will be dealt with; secondl, the necessities of scientific research will be introduced and practiced of lastly, methods and required technical knowledge for writing thesis will be taught.
TURK506DIVAN LITERATURE CLASSICSPROF. DR. İ. ÇETİN DERDİYOKTURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE506 Diwan in Classical Turkish Literature The poetry of leading poets of classical Turkish literature such as Fuzuli, Baki, Nefi, Nabi, Nedim and Şeyh Galib, will be analyzed, and their art discussed. And in prose, some passages from Evliya Çelebi?s Seyahatname will be selected and peculiarities of its language will be examined.
TURK510OLD ANATOLIAN TURKISHASST. PROF. DR. GÜLSEREN TORTURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREIn this course, general information about the emergence of Turkish in Anatolia, will be provide and the texts of 13th-15th century Turkish language will be examined in terms of phonetics, morphology, syntax and the characteristics.
TURK519TURKISH LITERATURE UNDER WESTERN IMPACTPROF. DR. ADNAN AKGÜNTURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREIn this course, influence of the Westernization on Turkish literature will be examined. The declaration of 'Tanzimat Fermanı' in 1839 will be studied, giving the short history of 'Tanzimat', 'Servet-i Fünun', 'Fecr-i Ati Edebiyatı', and 'Milli Edebiyat'. The course will study the important representatives of these periods in poetry, the novel, the story, drama and other literary types.
TURK598SEMINAR TURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURESelecting a subject, and doing intensive and extensive research, survey thereof; discussinng the findings in class; submitting this work in the form a paper to the course intstructor.
UDES500MASTER THESIS URBAN DESIGNSupervised research conducted individually by the student and constituting a final thesis.
UDES501URBAN DESIGN STUDIO - IURBAN DESIGNStudio in fundamental physical urban design; design guidance, site planning and urban design in the newly established districts of cities or at the edge or outside cities; survey of small urban communities varying in social, economic, technological, and physical components; analysis of the data and information surveyed; formulations of database necessary for urban design; proposing urban design alternatives.
UDES502URBAN DESIGN STUDIO - IIPROF. DR. ŞEBNEM HOŞKARAURBAN DESIGNStudio in advanced urban design processes; superimposing of urban design data base on the social, economic, and cultural constraints; proposing appropriate urban development and design.
UDES503HISTORY AND THEORY AND OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGNURBAN DESIGNStudio in advanced urban design processes; superimposing of urban design data base on the social, economic, and cultural constraints; proposing appropriate urban development and design
UDES504CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN URBAN DESIGNPROF. DR. ŞEBNEM HOŞKARAURBAN DESIGNIn this course, different seminars from different tutors is given to cover subject of issue of problematic building types and mixed use; density issues; regeneration; guiding and promoting urban design development; sustainability in urban design; coding and briefing; issues of local identity; urban landscape design; movement and mobility and emerging issues concerned with the provision of good urban design in relation to globalization.
UDES505ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODSURBAN DESIGNThis course discusses main qualitative research methods and their
application to urbanism (urban design and planning). It addresses the process and practice of academic research.
UDES515TYPO-MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS IN URBAN STUDIESASSOC. PROF. DR. NEVTER ZAFER CÖMERTURBAN DESIGNThis course explores the evolution of urban form with an emphasis upon built form typologies. Students will be introduced to the advanced knowledge for the study of both architectural and geographical aspects of urban form. The course seeks to advance knowledge and techniques of urban areas through the study of their history and agents and ideas involved in their creation and transformation of urban form in its context. The development of an historical knowledge and of sensibilities and skills in the recording and interpretation of urban pattern and form for design purposes is the unit's primary aim. As such it examines the characteristics and dimensions of major urban typologies (especially those still visible in today's cities) their origins and interrelationships, and issues surrounding their interpretation and treatment in the contemporary city.
UDES598SEMINARURBAN DESIGNThis seminar series will examine the various stages in the preparation
of a dissertation and introduce the theoretical and practical approaches available.
ULUS514GLOBAL GOVERNANCEPROF. DR. KUDRET ÖZERSAYINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSGovernance refers to the systems of authoritative rules, norms, institutions, and practices by means of which individuals, states and international organizations manage global problems absent a world government. The course aims to help students gain a deeper appreciation of how the world of global governance works (or doesn't). It provides an overview of the evolving architecture, processes and outcomes of global governance, as well as the constraints and opportunities for policy processes, whether at the national or international levels. Following the discussion of theoretical perspectives on global governance, the course applies these approaches to issues related to international peace and security, the management of global economy, and finally, efforts to protect human rights and the environment.
VACD502STUDIO PRACTICE-IIASST. PROF. DR. FIRAT TÜZÜNKANVISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNStudio Practice-II is non-prescriptive in the terms of its content but, in centering on a single project or body of work, it is strongly oriented toward the development of independence in creative work. The unit concentrates on the integrity of the visual project, encouraging students to refine the relationship between representational methods and subject matter, a quest for coherence of intention, style and meaning. The intention is to develop a level of independence and ability autonomously and confidently to determine artistic directions.
VACD506SOCIOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFEVISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNThe course consists in a discussion of the issues of power and freedom, power and politics, the politics of everyday life, public versus private sphere, consumer society, everyday life and creativity, culture and everyday life, cultural identities, multiculturality, religiosities, symbols, birth, love, sexuality, death, the individual and everyday life, and the praxis of everyday life.
VACD507CONTEMPORARY ART PRACTICEOROD PEYKANFAR VISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNThis course is about the foremost approaches in contemporary arts and design, and their core attributes. Contemporary Art Practice class is a practical and theoretical course. The main goal of aesthetic this course is to provide an overall knowledge and skills about the latest artistic approaches and motivate students to improve their aesthetic taste while they are experiencing crafts and skills of art creation. Students learn and practice the specific techniques that Avant-guard artists employ to achieve their visual language at studio workshops. Moreover, the fundamental concepts of each art school are discussed briefly in short theoretical sessions.
VACD508EXPERIMENTAL FILM & VIDEOVISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNThis course is projected in giving lecture about experimental film and video following film projections and text reading. Experimental and avant garde films are critically and theoretically commented through historical process. After a several analysis student are asked to produce their short films according to the experimental and digital modality.
VACD509COLOR GRADING IN POST-PRODUCTIONHAMID ZEKARI HANJANIVISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNIn this course, the students will be introduced to the basic to advance principles and techniques of color grading pipeline, from raw footage processing to color grading. This course will help students to become familiar with color grading their footages using industry-standard digital tools. Throughout the entire course students will be encouraged to shoot videos and apply their learnt techniques as well as color grading their footages with professional software, which is comparable to today's vast area of High-end Media production world. The course will aid in producing portfolio-level work through balanced merging of theoretical knowledge and production/grading techniques. In addition, students will analyze existing examples of High-end professional works, learn to use other references, and improve observational skills to develop approaches to create High video footages which are acceptable and applicable in different areas of media production.
VACD512INTERDISCIPLINARY MEDIA APPLICATIONSASST. PROF. DR. FIRAT TÜZÜNKANVISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNThis course provides students with alternative techniques for 2D, 3D, video games, broadcast design, visual effects and architectural imaging, and online or interactive productions. Additionally, students will learn to create and produce special effects including: atmospheric effects, natural effects, smoke, explosions and motion blurs.
VACD514VISUAL COMMUNICATION & SOCIAL MEDIAASSOC. PROF. DR. AYSU ARSOY VISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNThis course will help students to define social media and its related terminologies in visual communication. It will also describe and debate the benefits and the barriers associated with using social media and networks. Social Media applications and tools for interactive dialogue will be covered, experienced and the trends and practices will be discussed with case studies and current research.
VACD599TERM PROJECTASST. PROF. DR. FIRAT TÜZÜNKANVISUAL ART AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGNThis course aims to enable students to synthesize all of their previous knowledge and works and carry out a new, real-life project individually in the context of an advanced studio seminar. While doing so, students are expected to acquire and develop a self-initiative approach to defining the design problem and preparing a strategy in order to formulate a design solution to that problem. Students must present their design solutions with a profound report documenting the overall research and design process, as well as their creative portfolio including works completed in previous courses (applied and/or theoretical).
YONT500MASTER THESISBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA unique piece of work, which includes evaluation or thorough analysis of a method.
YONT522SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTITATIVE ANALYSISPROF. DR. SAMİ FETHİBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONYONT522 entails decision making criteria and applications under risk and uncertainty. The course also covers application of basic probability theories to business and economic problems as well as forecasting models and applications that can be used in organizations
YONT580RESEARCH METHODS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCESBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe main purpose of this course is to examine the research process (identifying problems, data collection, data analysis, and interpreting results), review major scientific research methods (experimental methods, descriptive methods, etc.), and ensure that students learn the techniques needed to conduct research on a specific topic, including formulating research questions, developing hypotheses, conceptualization, operationalization, measurement, data collection, data analysis, evaluation/interpretation of data, and report writing.
YONT598SEMINARBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONThe aim of the seminar course is to improve the student's skills in conducting research in an area of interest for the student, preferably a topic related to the thesis work, and reporting the research findings both verbally and in writing.
YONT599TERM PROJECTBUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONA term project is a study that requires the students to demonstrate the ability in applying their knowledge and skills in finding unique, realistic, applicable and innovative solutions to problems in their professional fields

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