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Master's Programs

All programs, excluding those specified as Turkish, are delivered in English.
* : Indicated programs do not admit new students. 
**: Indicated programs admit only TRNC or international students.
***: Indicated programs admit only TRNC students.

Master's Programs with Thesis

Program NameDegreeDuration (Years)Academic UnitMinimum Requirements to Complete the Program
Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Mathematics7 courses, seminar and thesis
Architecture (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Architecture7 courses, seminar and thesis
Banking and Finance (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Banking and Finance7 courses, seminar and thesis
Business Administration (with Thesis)Master / M.B.A.1 - 2Department of Business Administration10 courses, seminar and thesis
Business Management (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Business Administration8 courses, seminar and thesis
Chemistry (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Chemistry7 courses, seminar and thesis
Civil Engineering (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Civil Engineering7 courses, seminar and thesis
Classroom Education (Turkish with Thesis) ***Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Elementary Education7 courses, seminar and thesis
Communication and Media Studies (Turkish) (with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Faculty of Communication7 courses, seminar and thesis
Communication and Media Studies (with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Faculty of Communication7 courses, seminar and thesis
Computer Engineering (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Computer Engineering7 courses, seminar and thesis
Conservation and Restoration (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Architecture7 courses, seminar and thesis
Cultural Heritage Studies (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Architecture7 courses, seminar and thesis
Curriculm and Instruction (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.Ed.1 - 2Department of Educational Sciences7 courses, seminar and thesis
Diplomacy and Conflict Management (with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Political Science and International Relations7 courses, seminar and thesis
Early Childhood Education (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.Ed.1 - 2Department of Elementary Education7 courses, seminar and thesis
Economics (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Economics7 courses, seminar and thesis
Educational Administration and Supervision (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.Ed.1 - 2Department of Educational Sciences7 courses, seminar and thesis
Educational Sciences (with Thesis) *Master / M.Ed.1 - 2Department of Educational Sciences7 courses, seminar and thesis
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering7 courses, seminar and thesis
Energy Economics and Finance (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Economics7 courses, seminar and thesis
English Language Teaching (with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Foreign Language Education8 courses, seminar and thesis
Exercise and Sport Sciences (Turkish with Thesis) **Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences7 courses, seminar and thesis
Gastronomy (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Faculty of Tourism7 courses, seminar and thesis
Gender Studies (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Economics7 courses, seminar and thesis
Gender Studies (with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Economics7 courses, seminar and thesis
General Psychology (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Psychology7 courses, seminar and thesis
Industrial Engineering (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Industrial Engineering7 courses, seminar and thesis
Information and Communication Technologies in Education (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies7 courses, seminar and thesis
Information Technology (with Thesis)Master / M.Tech.1 - 2School of Computing and Technology7 courses, seminar and thesis
Interior Architecture (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Interior Architecture7 courses, seminar and thesis
Interior Architecture (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Interior Architecture7 courses, seminar and thesis
International Relations (with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Political Science and International Relations7 courses, seminar and thesis
Law (Turkish with Thesis)Master / LL.M.1 - 2Faculty of Law7 courses, seminar and thesis
Marketing Management (with Thesis)Master / M.A1 - 2Department of Business Administration8 courses, seminar and thesis
Mathematics (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Mathematics7 courses, seminar and thesis
Mechanical Engineering (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Mechanical Engineering7 courses, seminar and thesis
Music Teaching (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Fine Arts Education7 courses, seminar and thesis
Nursing (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Nursing7 courses, seminar and thesis
Nutrition and Dietetics (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics7 courses, seminar and thesis
Physics (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Physics7 courses, seminar and thesis
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation7 courses, seminar and thesis
Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Educational Sciences7 courses, seminar and thesis
Software Engineering (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Computer Engineering7 courses, seminar and thesis
Tourism Management (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Faculty of Tourism7 courses, seminar and thesis
Tourism Management (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Faculty of Tourism7 courses, seminar and thesis
Turkish Language and Literature (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Turkish Language and Literature7 courses, seminar and thesis
Turkish Language Teaching to Foreigners (Turkish with Thesis) **Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Teaching7 courses, seminar and thesis
Urban Archaeology and Management of Cultural Heritage (Turkish with Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 2Department of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences7 courses, seminar and thesis
Urban Design (with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Architecture7 courses, seminar and thesis

Non-Thesis Master‘s Programs

Program NameDegreeDuration (Years)Academic UnitMinimum Requirements to Complete the Program
Architecture (without Thesis)Master / M.Arch.1 - 1.5Department of Architecture10 courses and 1 term project
Banking and Finance (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Banking and Finance10 courses and 1 term project
Banking and Finance (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Banking and Finance10 courses and 1 term project
Business Administration (without Thesis)Master / M.B.A.1 - 1.5Department of Business Administration12 courses and 1 term project
Business Management (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Business Administration10 courses and 1 term project
Comparative Legal Systems (without Thesis) (Joint Program with University of Bologna) **Master / LL.M.1 - 1.5Faculty of Law10 courses and 1 term project
Computer Engineering (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Computer Engineering10 courses and 1 term project
Conservation and Restoration Master's Program (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Architecture10 courses and 1 term project
Construction and Real Estate Management (without Thesis) **Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Civil Engineering10 courses and 1 term project
Digital Marketing (without Thesis) **Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Business Administration10 courses and 1 term project
Digital Media and Film (without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Tv and Film Studies10 courses and 1 term project
Early Childhood Education (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.Ed.1 - 1.5Department of Elementary Education10 courses and 1 term project
Economics (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Economics10 courses and 1 term project
Engineering Management (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Industrial Engineering10 courses and 1 term project
English Language Teaching (without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Foreign Language Education10 courses and 1 term project
Financial Economics (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Economics10 courses and 1 term project
Gender Studies (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Economics10 courses and 1 term project
Human Resource Management (without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Business Administration10 courses and 1 term project
Industrial Engineering (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Industrial Engineering10 courses and 1 term project
Information and Communication Technologies in Education (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies10 courses and 1 term project
Information Systems (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Mathematics10 courses and 1 term project
Information Technology (without Thesis)Master / M.Tech.1 - 1.5School of Computing and Technology10 courses and 1 term project
Interior Architecture (without Thesis)Master / M.Int.Arc.1 - 1.5Department of Interior Architecture10 courses and 1 term project
International Relations (without Thesis) **Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Political Science and International Relations10 courses and 1 term project
International Trade and Business (without Thesis)Master / M.I.B.1 - 1.5Department of Business Administration10 courses and 1 term project
Managerial Economics (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Economics10 courses and 1 term project
Marketing Management (without Thesis)Master / M.A1 - 1.5Department of Business Administration10 courses and 1 term project
Medical Biotechnology (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Biological Sciences10 courses and 1 term project
Tourism Management (Turkish without Thesis)Masters / M.S.1 - 1.5Faculty of Tourism10 courses and 1 term project
Tourism Management (without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Faculty of Tourism10 courses and 1 term project
Urban Archaeology and Management of Cultural Heritage (Turkish without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences10 courses and 1 term project
Urban Design (without Thesis)Master / M.U.D.1 - 1.5Department of Architecture10 courses and 1 term project
Visual Art and Visual Communication Design (without Thesis)Master / M.A.1 - 1.5Department of Visual Art And Visual Communication Design10 courses and 1 term project

Online Master‘s Programs

Program NameDegreeDuration (Years)Academic UnitMinimum Requirements to Complete the Program
Banking and Finance (Online with Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 2Department of Banking and Finance7 courses, seminar and thesis
Banking and Finance (Online without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Department of Banking and Finance10 courses and 1 term project
Hotel Management (Online without Thesis)Master / M.S.1 - 1.5Faculty of Tourism10 courses and 1 term project

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