Master’s and Ph.D. programs at EMU are well-structured programs that
meet the requirements of Y.O.D.A.K (Higher Education, Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council of T.R. North Cyprus) and Y.Ö.K (Higher Education Council of Turkey) and
are up-to-date with the new trends in Europe led by European University
A well designed academic supervision system is available
that guides the student in every stage of the program. The student finds
an opportunity to establish close contact with his/her thesis
supervisors, and is directed towards novel ideas and original research
topics. Students are encouraged to follow courses that will help develop
their graduate research skills and written and oral communication
Master’s programs with thesis and non-thesis options are available leading to Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Arts (M.A.), and to several professional degrees, and doctoral programs leading to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) are available.
Master's Programs with Thesis
Master's program with thesis ensures that a student accesses information and reviews, interprets and evaluates it through the use of scientific research techniques. Minimum course requirement in master’s programs with thesis option is the completion of 21 credits compromising seven 3 -credit courses. Furthermore, the student is required to successfully complete a non-credit seminar course aimed at training the student to prepare written and oral scientific presentations. It is compulsory to have successfully completed all program courses and seminar course at most in 4 semesters. The student should also carry out research under the supervision of a faculty member, prepare and orally defend a master’s thesis.

Non-Thesis Master’s Programs
Non-thesis master’s programs are designed to furnish the student with necessary academic background for further professional development. 10 courses (12 in MBA program) and a term project should be completed. The second structure is applied at EMU.

Ph.D. Programs
Doctoral programs involve a minimum of seven 3-credit courses (for master's degree holders), a non-credit seminar course, a Ph.D. qualification exam, preparation and defence of a Ph.D. thesis proposal which should introduce a novelty in the research area, research work on the proposal and finally preparation of a dissertation and oral defence of the work. Some programs may require more than 7 courses. It is compulsory to enter the PhD Qualification exam when doctoral courses and seminar are all successfully completed at most in 4 semesters. Each student should be registered to the thesis work in each consecutive semester starting with the 3rd semester the latest. After the qualifying exam, the thesis monitorring commitee evaluates the student's progress in the research area every semester. Student must defense his/her thesis work at least three times to Thesis Monitorring Committee members to have final thesis jury defense . In order to have the thesis defence jury appointed, the student must also have obtained the required minimum points from the scientific activities that are defined in the Academic Assessment Criteria of EMU which also includes one scientific article either published or accepted to be published in a journal that is indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), or Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), indexes.

Duration of the Programs
The regular duration of studies in a Master’s degree program with thesis work, is minimum two, maximum four semesters, for full-time and part-time students. The duration can be extended at most two more semesters. Those semesters registered only to deficiency and English Support courses (ENGL509/511/513/515) are not included in the maximum duration allowed to complete the given graduate program.
The regular duration of studies in a Master’s degree program without thesis work, is minimum two, maximum three semesters, for full-time and part-time students. There is no extension semesters for non-thesis master programs. Those semesters registered only to deficiency and English Support courses (ENGL509/511/513/515) are not included in the maximum duration allowed to complete the given graduate program.
The regular duration of studies in a Ph.D. program is a maximum of ten semesters for full or part time students. The duration can be extended at most two more semesters. Those semesters registered only to deficiency and English Support courses (ENGL509/511/513/515) are not included in the maximum duration allowed to complete the given graduate program.